Advanced searches

You might want to specify your search by using Structured Query Language (SQL) or by providing examples of the type of records you are searching for. The Advanced Search menu on the search toolbar provides these options.

You use the WHERE Clause dialog box to conduct advanced queries of the Maximo database by using Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is a language that is commonly used by system administrators to request information from databases. To perform advanced queries, you must be familiar with both SQL and the Maximo database.

You can query by example by clicking Advanced search > More search fields. You do not need to be familiar with any specialized language to perform this kind of search. Querying by example (QBE) means that you enter values in the fields to provide the system with an example of the type of records you are searching for. For example, if you want to find all work orders with a status of waiting for approval, you would enter WAPPR in the Status field. You can give examples of records you want to find by entering values in one or more fields in the dialog box. You can also enter more than one value in a field. The values must be separated by commas, and cannot exceed the length that is allowed for the field. For example, to find work orders that list either pumps or motors you enter "pump, motor" in the Description field.