Configuration options

Configuration options to allow for further customization of Watson Speech to Text.

Container Environment Variables


Environment Variable Description
ACCEPT_LICENSE License acceptance required to run the containers


Variables that do not have a default value are required to be set for customization to work.

Environment Variable Description Default Value
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_TYPE Type of S3 compatible storage that supports HMAC (access key and secret key) credentials. Options: cos or minio minio
RUNTIME_SERVICE Service endpoint for the runtime, used to discover models and set runtime group
PATCH_GENERATOR_SERVICE Service endpoint for a runtime configured with the PatchGeneratorModel used for training value of RUNTIME_SERVICE
CUSTOMIZATIONS_POSTGRES_HOST Hostname of server hosting the PostgreSQL instance
CUSTOMIZATIONS_POSTGRES_PORT Port to connect to on the PostgreSQL hostname
CUSTOMIZATIONS_POSTGRES_USER The existing user that will own the customizations database and be used at runtime (**) See note below
CUSTOMIZATIONS_DATABASE_NAME The database that will be created/used to hold data about customizations
S3 Object Storage
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_ENDPOINT URL to connect to the object storage instance for models storage
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_BUCKET Bucket container name. Bucket must already contain the STT models and is also where customization data will be stored
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_REGION Region where the bucket is created. Only required for cos storage type.
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY Access key to connect to model storage
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY Secret key to connect to model storage
Java Resources/Memory
RESOURCES_MEMORY Used with JAVA_HEAP_PERCENT to set the dynamic memory allocated to the JVM (*) See note below
JAVA_HEAP_PERCENT Percentage of the available memory (RESOURCES_MEMORY) to set as the JAVA_STARTING_HEAP and JAVA_MAX_HEAP 80%
JAVA_MAX_HEAP Maximum dynamic memory allocation for the Java process running the customization server Product of RESOURCES_MEMORY and JAVA_HEAP_PERCENT
JAVA_STARTING_HEAP Starting dynamic memory allocation for the Java process running the customization server Product of RESOURCES_MEMORY and JAVA_HEAP_PERCENT

(*) If RESOURCES_MEMORY, JAVA_MAX_HEAP, and JAVA_STARTING_HEAP are unset, the default memory allocation is 128 MiB. It is recommended to explicitly set the value instead of using the default. In Kubernetes, you can use the downward API to reference the allocated resources:

      containerName: runtime
      resource: requests.memory

(**) Note: Make sure the CUSTOMIZATIONS_POSTGRES_USER matches the PGUSER used in the watson-stt-utils container to create the customization database.


Environment Variable Description
TLS_SERVER_CERT_FILE Path to file containing the server TLS cert
TLS_SERVER_KEY_FILE Path to file containing the server private key for TLS
ENABLE_MTLS Set to true for mutual TLS with client verification
TLS_SERVER_TRUST_FILE Path to a file or directory containing the CA certificates to trust for client auth


Environment Variable Description Default Value
MODELS Comma separated list of enabled models to serve
Default Values
DEFAULT_MODEL Default model to use for speech recognition requests en-US_Multimedia
LOG_LEVEL Configures logging for runtime events INFO
ANONYMIZE_LOGS Set to true to anonymize the log output. Note that ANONYMIZE_LOGS cannot be true if LOG_LEVEL is "DEBUG" true
USE_LOCAL_MODELS Controls whether to use local models and catalog files or to pull data from object storage true
CATALOG_PATH If pulling the catalog and models from a remote model storage, a path is required for where the catalog will live in remote storage. If USE_LOCAL_MODELS then var/catalog.json, else no default
Required for remote storage and customization
MODEL_STORAGE_ENDPOINT URL to connect to the object storage instance for models storage
MODEL_STORAGE_BUCKET Object Storage Bucket containing model data
MODEL_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY HMAC Access Key to connect to model storage
MODEL_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY HMAC Secret Key to connect to model storage
MODEL_STORAGE_PREFIX Path prefix to where models are stored in the bucket models
For Customization
ENABLE_CUSTOMIZATIONS Controls whether customization configs should be validated and configured. If this value is set to true, USE_LOCAL_MODELS must be set to false false
RUNTIME_SERVICE Service endpoint that routes to the runtime containers
CUSTOMIZATIONS_SERVICE Service endpoint for customization, used for connecting requests to the customization service
CUSTOMIZATIONS_STORAGE_* The same environment variables for customizations S3 object storage can be set to configure customization object storage Default to the MODEL_STORAGE_* values
RESOURCES_CPU Informs the runtime of the resources allocated to it so that it can manage session resources (*) See note below
RESOURCES_MEMORY Informs the runtime of the resources allocated to it so that it can manage session resources (*) See note below

(*) If unset the service will attempt to determine the allocated resources. It is recommended to explicitly set the value instead of relying on the default. In Kubernetes, you can use the downward API to reference the allocated resources:

      containerName: runtime
      resource: requests.cpu
      containerName: runtime
      resource: requests.memory


Environment Variable Description Default Value
PGHOST Hostname of server hosting the PostgreSQL instance
PGPORT Port to connect to on the PostgreSQL hostname
PGUSER User used to create the customizations database (*) See note below
PGDATABASE The database used to establish the connection before creating the customizations database
PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT Maximum time to wait while connecting, in seconds (write as a decimal integer). Zero, negative, or not specified means wait indefinitely. The minimum allowed timeout is 2 seconds 3
CUSTOMIZATIONS_DATABASE_NAME The database that will be created to hold data about customizations stt-customizations
CUSTOMIZATIONS_DATABASE_OWNER An existing user that will own the created database postgres (*) See note below

(*) Note: The PGUSER needs to have CREATEDB permissions in order to create the customizations database. In addition, PGUSERshould match CUSTOMIZATIONS_DATABASE_OWNER which should also match the CUSTOMIZATIONS_POSTGRES_USER set in the watson-stt-customization container.


The provided container images launch servers serving APIs over network interfaces. It is important to understand the expected usage of the network interfaces in order to secure them.

The watson-stt-runtime container supports synchronous HTTP requests and a WebSocket interface that provides a full-duplex, low-latency communication channel: Clients send requests and audio to the service and receive results over a single connection. The server does not support TLS. It listens for requests on port 1080.

The watson-stt-haproxy container wraps the HAProxy reverse-proxy and should be used to implement TLS termination for the runtime. In a typical Kubernetes deployment, watson-stt-haproxy and watson-stt-runtime should be together in a pod. watson-stt-haproxy is configured by an haproxy.cfg file mounted at the path /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. Documentation on the configurations for HAProxy can be found on the haproxy website.

x509 certificates used for TLS contain a public certificate and a private key. Usually, these are stored in separate files; however, HAProxy requires a single PEM file containing the content of both. Further documentation on configuring TLS in HAProxy can be found here. For mutual TLS, follow the HAProxy guidelines here.