H2 Database Migration

Why is H2 Database upgrade and data migration required?

InformixHQ uses H2 Database as an embedded database. InformixHQ needs to be upgraded to a newer version of H2 Database due to various security vulnerabilities present in the older versions of H2 Database.

There is no impact on the new users who are using InformixHQ for the first time (version 2.3.4 or higher), and no upgrade is needed as InformixHQ will create new H2 Database with the latest version.

What is the impact if you have not migrated to the new version of H2 Database?

If users using InformixHQ 1.6.3 or lower try to move to InformixHQ 2.1.0 or above, they will not be able to start InformixHQ until the data is migrated to the newer version of H2 Database. If users try to run InformixHQ 2.1.0 or above without this migration done, they will get a version specific error in the InformixHQ log file.

If users start InformixHQ using startup scripts, InformixHQ will not be started. Users need to check the InformixHQ server log for details.

Note: Recommended version of InformixHQ for new users is 2.3.4 or later .