Preparing a cluster to use Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)


Before you begin:

  • Confirm that you have a Red Hat OpenShift account and an AWS account, with login credentials for each.

  • Review the pages under AWS prerequisites for ROSA in the OpenShift documentation.

  • Create an AWS access ID and secret (if you do not already have them) by following the procedure in Configuration basics.

  • Follow the procedure for Configuring your AWS account. Note that after you have configured the default region, you can review the following two files to confirm the configuration is applied:

    cat ~/.aws/credentials
    aws-access-key-id = <aws_access_key_id>
    aws-secret-access-key = <aws_secret_access_key>
    cat ~/.aws/config
    region = ca-central-1
    output = json

Creating the ROSA cluster

Follow the procedure in Creating a ROSA cluster.

Note that when your cluster is created, the output includes a Details Page url that provides important details about the cluster, including nodes, OpenShift versions, and OAuth user.

If you need to install additional ROSA clusters, the OpenShift documentation offers a Command quick reference list to facilitate the process.

Creating the admin user

The procedure in this section assume you are creating an admin user in the OpenShift web console. However, if you prefer to use the command line, follow the procedure in Configuring an HTPasswd identity provider or any of the other identity provider pages in the "Configuring identity providers" section.

  1. Log into your OpenShift account at the URL that you got in the output after creating the ROSA cluster, for example:`
  1. If you see an dialog for OAuth users, click that. If not, in the navigation menu, click Clusters.

  2. Click the Access Control tab.

  3. Select an identity provider from the Add identity provider list.

  4. In the Add identity provider pane, update the details for the identity provider, then click Add.

  5. Click the newly created admin user to configure permissions.

Creating the storage cluster

Prerequisite: You must have created and configured the admin user in the previous section.

IBM recommends that you use OpenShift Data Foundation (formerly OpenShift Container Storage) for your storage cluster. Note that OpenShift Data Foundation:

  • is not currently supported on ROSA. However, it is being considered for support by Red Hat.

  • requires at least 3 nodes, each with 16 CPUs and 64 GB of memory.

To create the storage cluster:

  1. Install the Openshift Container Storage operator:

    • Log into the OpenShift web console as an admin, then click Operators > OperatorHub.

    • Under Project, select the openshift-storage namespace.

    • In the OperatorHub pane, click Storage, then find and click the Openshift Container Storage tile.

    • Click Install.

    • Confirm the desired settings, then click Install. The operator is installed in the openshift-storage namespace.

  2. Create a machinepool for your OCS cluster that has at least 3 nodes. Each of those nodes must be 16 CPU and 64 GB of memory (--instance-type=m5.4xlarge in the following example). Follow the procedure in Adding node labels. For example:

    rosa create machinepool --cluster=my-cluster-name --name=forocs1 --replicas=3 --instance-type=m5.4xlarge""
  3. Click Operators > Installed Operators.

  4. Click OpenShift Container Storage.

  5. Click the Storage Cluster tab, then click Create Storage Cluster.

  6. Select nodes that meet the required size, and update all required settings.

  7. Click Create.