Notice: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Target

The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target has reached end of support and will be removed from the product in version 8.13.1.

Who is impacted by end of support?

End of support impacts customers who added, or plan to add, a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target to monitor billing data for global Azure or Azure Government workloads.

  • Customers who added a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target are advised to immediately remove the target from the user interface, and then set up an Azure Billing target for use with Turbonomic.

  • Customers planning to add a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target should set up an Azure Billing target instead.

The Azure Billing target leverages the new cost management APIs and cost exports recommended by Microsoft. Starting in version 8.12.2, the Azure Billing target supports global Azure and Azure Government subscriptions.

What happens now that the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target has reached end of support?

Any existing Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target remains in the user interface. If you encounter issues with the target, your Turbonomic representative will advise that you first remove the target and then set up an Azure Billing target. It is not possible to have both the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and Azure Billing targets managing the same subscriptions.

What happens after the target is removed from the product?

  • The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target no longer appears in the list of targets in the Turbonomic user interface.

  • Any existing Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target remains in the user interface but will no longer be discovered or validated.

How do I set up an Azure Billing target for use with Turbonomic?

Perform these tasks:

  1. Decide whether to use the Cost Details API or a cost export.


    For Azure Government:

    If you choose to set up a cost export for Azure Government EA accounts, the cost export must have a destination storage account that is under an Azure Government subscription.

  2. Set up a service principal for billing data monitoring in Azure.


    For Azure Government:

    When you set up a service principal, you assign the Enrollment Reader role to the service principal to enable access to billing data.

    To assign the Enrollment Reader role, you execute an API request. For Azure Government EA accounts, it is not possible to execute an API request in the Microsoft Learn portal. This is because the API request in the portal is hard-coded and executes against, which only applies to global Azure EA accounts. The API request for Azure Government EA accounts should execute against For more information see this topic.

  3. Add an Azure Billing target in Turbonomic.


    For Azure Government:

    When you add the target, be sure to turn on the US Government toggle to indicate that the target is an Azure Government account.

Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Documentation

The following documentation is intended as a reference for customers with existing Microsoft Enterprise Agreement targets. It does not apply to customers who have completely migrated to the Azure Billing target.

Overview of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Target

Turbonomic discovers billing data for Azure Government workloads within the context of a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA).

An Enterprise Agreement (EA) defines specific pricing, including pricing for reservations. When you add a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target and set the EA key to your Azure targets, Turbonomic uses that richer pricing information to calculate placement and reservations coverage for your government workloads.

Points to consider:

  • Turbonomic can only discover and use reservations if you have configured a Microsoft Enterprise Account target, and if one or more subscriptions participate in that EA.

    To discover and manage reservations in Azure environments, Turbonomic uses both the EA target and the associated subscription targets. On its own, a subscription target exposes costs for pay-as-you-go pricing. The EA target discovers pricing for the available reservations. Turbonomic combines this information to track reservations utilization and coverage, VM costs (accounting for reservations), and purchase recommendations.

  • For targets that participate in the EA, Turbonomic uses the terms of the given EA, and bases costs on the Offer ID that is effective for the given subscription.

  • For VMs in Azure, reservations pricing does not include the cost of the OS license. However pricing for on-demand VMs does include the license cost.


    For Microsoft Azure EA environments, the projected cost for actions to purchase reservations might not match associated costs you find in the Microsoft Pricing Calculator.

    Turbonomic actions can recommend purchases. For these recommendations, the action assumes a free Linux OS, so the cost estimate does not include the OS cost. However, The Microsoft Pricing Calculator does include costs for OS licenses. As a result, when you compare the Turbonomic cost estimates to the values in the Pricing Calculator, it's likely that the two estimates will not match. This difference also affects the Break Even Point that appears in the Recommended RI Purchases chart. Because the recommended purchases do not include Azure costs for OS licenses, the listed Break Even Point can be optimistic.

  • For on-prem workloads you migrated to Azure, Turbonomic recognizes Azure Hybrid Benefit (AHUB) savings for reservations and on-demand workloads. The costs you see in Turbonomic charts include this benefit. However, remember that recommended actions do not include any license cost, so the actions will not reflect any proposed AHUB savings (see previous).

Task Overview

To add a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target, perform the following tasks:

  1. If you run Turbonomic behind a firewall, configure firewall access.

  2. Obtain your Enrollment Number and API Key in the EA portal.

  3. Enable access to your billing data in the EA portal.

  4. Add a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement in the Turbonomic user interface.

Configuring Firewall Access

If you run Turbonomic behind a firewall, allow access to

Obtaining Your Enrollment Number and API Key

  1. Sign in to the EA portal with an enterprise administrator account.

  2. Record the following information. You will need this information when you add the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement target in the Turbonomic user interface.

    • Enrollment Number

      You can find your Enrollment Number below the Microsoft logo.

    • API Key

      Click Reports in the navigation bar, click the Download Usage tab, and then click API Access Key. The API Key displays under the Enrollment Access Keys section.

Enabling Access to Your Billing Data

For additional information, see the Azure documentation.

  1. Sign in to the EA portal with an enterprise administrator account.

  2. Click Manage in the navigation bar and then click the Enrollment tab.

  3. Enable DA view charges and AO view charges.


    After you configure cost access, most scopes also require Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) permission configuration in Azure.

    If you just enabled these settings, it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect. For more information, see the Azure documentation.

    If you perform self-service exchanges for your reservations, Turbonomic does not discover the new charges for the exchanged reservations through the Azure EA target. To track the charges after you have exchanged reservations, ensure you have an Azure subscription target for the affected scope of Azure workloads, and that subscription has read access to reservations information.

Adding a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Target

  1. Click Settings > Target Configuration.

  2. Click New Target > Public Cloud.

  3. Select Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Display Name

      Specify a name that uniquely identifies this connection.

      This name is for display purposes only and does not need to match any name in Azure.

    • Enrollment Number

      Specify the EA enrollment number indicated in your EA admin account.

    • API Key

      Specify the API key indicated in your EA admin account.

    • Proxy Information

      Specify proxy information only if you connect through a proxy.

      • Proxy Host

        Specify the address of the proxy used for this target.

      • Proxy Port

        Specify the port to use with the proxy used for this target. By default, this is 8080.

      • Proxy Username

        Specify the username to use with the proxy.

      • Proxy Password

        Specify the password to use with the proxy.

      • Secure Proxy Connection

        Select this option if Turbonomic will connect to the proxy via HTTPS.

After Adding a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Target

You have completed the required tasks for connecting to Azure. Turbonomic can now monitor your Azure Government workloads and billing data, and recommend actions to optimize these workloads at the lowest possible cost. Review the following topics for more information:

Viewing EA Accounts in the User Interface

In the Targets View, you can identify the targets related to Azure EA as follows:

Azure EA in Billing Family Details view
  1. EA Target

    The target that discovers the EA to track pricing and reservations. You can have one EA target per Turbonomic deployment.

  2. Azure Subscription Targets

    The targets that manage the workloads in your Azure environment. These are discovered by Service Principal targets. Note that not all subscription targets necessarily participate in the EA. Expand these entries to see the related Service Principal target. For members of the EA, you can see the related EA target as well.

    Subscriptions that do not participate in the EA appear as Standalone targets.

    In this example, EA-Prod is one of the subscriptions in this EA.


    In rare circumstances, you can have a subscription that is not in use. The subscription has no workloads associated with it. In this case, Turbonomic identifies the subscription as Standalone. This is because the target cannot discover any cost or usage information that would relate the subscription to its EA.

    Empty Azure EA subscriptions that are not incurring any charges will not stitch with the Azure Billing target or the Azure EA target, and a discrepancy will occur in the offer ID of the subscription. Once the subscription incurs a charge, the stitching occurs and the subscription should correctly associate with the Azure Billing target with the correct offer ID.

  3. Service Principal Targets

    The Azure target that you configure to discover Azure subscription targets. Expand the entry to see the discovered targets. If you have configured an EA target, the entry lists that as well, along with the EA enrollment number.

    In this example, the Service Principal target ( discovers the underlying subscriptions. Some subscriptions (such as EA - Prod) participate in the EA (3a) and other subscriptions (such as EAtest) are standalone or pay-as-you-go (3b).