New features in version

Version of OpenPages® includes enhancements to workflows, reporting, questionnaires, and more.

Multiple reports in a single report view

Administrators can now define multiple report views for object types, giving users more options for viewing and sharing information.

A report view is a read-only view of key information. Report views are designed to be easy to print and share. Previously, a single report view per object type was supported.

Now, administrators can create multiple report views and specify the priority of these views. The report views are available to users from a drop-down menu on the Report tab. The view priority determines the order of the report views in the menu.

Figure 1. Selecting a report view
A business continuity plan object is shown. The report tab shows three reports. The Executive Summary report is selected.

For more information, see Defining a Report View.

New operation to associate objects in a workflow action

In a workflow, you can now add a new Associate objects operation on an action. This operation creates a relationship between the current object and other objects based on conditions that you specify. For example, in the Questionnaire Assessment Workflow, you can automatically associate a questionnaire template with the current questionnaire assessment object.

Figure 2. Adding an operation to associate objects
The Operations page is shown. The Operation type is set to Associate objects. The Objects to associate option is set to Direct child - Questionnaire Template..

Also, if you are associating an object as a child of the current object, you can make the current object the primary parent of the child object. For example, if you are automatically associating a questionnaire template with a questionnaire assessment, you can make the questionnaire assessment the primary parent of the questionnaire template.

For more information, see Defining a workflow action that associates objects with the current object.

Object creation based on questionnaire responses

On a questionnaire template, a questionnaire author can now create response actions to automatically create or copy an object and set field values on the object.
  • Automatically create an object based on the answer to a question. For example, in a risk assessment questionnaire, you might want to create issues based on the answers to the questions.
  • Automatically copy an object from the library based on the answer to a question. For example, in a risk identification questionnaire, you might want to identify related risks from your global risk library based on an answer to the question.

On the Editor tab of a Questionnaire Template, you select Response actions.

Figure 3. Adding a response action
The Response actions page is shown with the New response action button. There are two response actions listed.

When you are configuring the response action, you can choose to create an object based on the response.

Figure 4. Creating an object based on a response
The Response action dialog box is shown. The Create object operation is selected.

Alternatively, you can choose to copy an object based on the response.

Figure 5. Copying an object based on a response
The Response action dialog box is shown. The Copy object operation is selected.

You create a Questionnaire response action operation on an action in the Questionnaire Assessment Workflow to apply the response action.

Figure 6. Configuring a Questionnaire response action on a workflow
The Questionnaire Assessment Workflow is shown. The Operations panel is open with a Questionnaire response action operation specified.

For more information about creating objects, see Creating an object based on a respondent's answers.

For more information about copying objects, see Copying an object based on a respondent's answers.

Configure a model to suggest relationships to create or copy

Administrators can now configure a model to suggest relationships between objects for the user. A relationship can be new or copied from an existing relationship.

Figure 7. Choosing the Set relationship insight type
The Edit your model page is shown with the Model access step selected. The Insight type is Set relationship.

For example, you can configure the model to make the following suggestions:

  • When a user is creating a risk, the model can suggest a set of controls to be copied from the library.
  • When a user is creating an issue, the model can suggest a set of predefined actions items from the library and a set of controls in the environment.
Figure 8. Selecting controls to copy from the library
The Copy from grid view is shown. The AI suggestions only toggle is enabled. The grid lists the suggested controls.

Export and import questionnaire templates

You can now import and export questionnaire templates by using the Environment Migration user interface. The supported items for import and export now include:
  • Question Templates
  • Questionnaire Templates
  • Questionnaire Section Templates
  • Questionnaire Subsection Templates

For more information, see Supported migration items.

You cannot use FastMap to import or export content in questionnaire assessment instances, such as question answers, comments, and attachments. Starting from IBM OpenPages version, do not use FastMap to import or export questionnaire template objects. However, you can import questionnaire templates that you exported from a previous IBM OpenPages version.

To export questionnaire templates, use System Migration > Export Configuration. For more information, see Exporting configuration items from the source environment.

To import questionnaire templates, use System Migration > Import Configuration. For more information, see Importing configuration items to the target environment.

View low score questionnaires in Questionnaire Assessments

A questionnaire reviewer can now view questions with low scores by using the new View questions with low scores filter.

Figure 9. Choosing the View questions with low scores filter in a questionnaire assessment
A questionnaire assessment is show with the View questions with low score filter applied.

Translation services

OpenPages now supports NeuralSeek. Administrators can quickly and easily provision a NeuralSeek service on IBM Cloud®, and then integrate it with OpenPages.

Figure 10. Configuring a translation service
In OpenPages, the configuration page for translation services is shown.

For more information, see Translation services.

Supported software in

OpenPages now supports the following software versions:

Table 1. Changes to supported software versions
Software Conformance changes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) Server 9.x is now supported.
IBM® Db2® 11.5.9 is now supported.

For more information, see the Supported Environments web page.