Defining a questionnaire template

Questionnaire templates contain the questions that respondents answer when they complete a questionnaire assessment.

Before you begin

About this task

To define a questionnaire template, you launch it with Assessments > Questionnaire templates. The system opens the template in the author UI. It is similar to the questionnaire UI that users open to complete a questionnaire assessment.

  • The section list shows the overall structure of the questionnaire template. It also displays how many questions are in each section.
  • Your work is automatically saved. Click Save Draft to manually save at any time.
  • Anyone who can access the questionnaire template can also work on it.
  • You can change a questionnaire template until it is launched with a program and sent to respondents. After that point, the system locks it and only users with appropriate credentials can unlock it, edit the questionnaire template, and lock it again. The changes take effect immediately.


  1. From the menu bar, click Assessments > Questionnaire Template.
    The system displays a list of questionnaire template objects.
  2. Click Launch in the Authoring UI column of the questionnaire template you want to work on.
    The system opens the questionnaire template in a new window and displays a launch page.
  3. Click Open questionnaire.
    The system displays a getting started message and prompts you to create your first section. The next time that you open the questionnaire assessment it opens beginning with the first question of the first section. You are using the author UI.
  4. Create the sections and subsections. For information see Adding sections and subsections to a questionnaire template.
  5. Write the questions. For information see Adding questions to a questionnaire template.
  6. Click Preview to check your work and review how the questionnaire template appears when a respondent works on it. When you are finished previewing, click Edit to return to editing mode.
  7. Review the questionnaire template. You can edit and delete sections, subsections, and questions. You can reorder the sections.
  8. To stop working on a questionnaire template, close the browser window.
  9. To resume working on a questionnaire template, launch the questionnaire template again. The system displays the questionnaire template beginning with the first question of the first section.

What to do next

The next step is to launch the questionnaire template with a program. For information see Launching a program.