Working with Mashup Center

If Business Space powered by WebSphere® has been enabled to work with IBM® Mashup Center, you can publish to Mashup Center and use Mashup Center content within business spaces.

About this task

Mashup Center is an enterprise mashup platform that supports the rapid assembly of dynamic situational web applications. Business Space shares many concepts with Mashup Center and provides a number of ways to interact with Mashup Center components. In many instances, Mashup Center content is an additional selection or set of selections within Business Space. You can open the Mashup Center catalog from Business Space. From the catalog, you can access the other components of Mashup Center and use them to, for example, create content that is viewable within Business Space.

In Mashup Center, some components, such as the space manager, are very similar in look and functionality to an equivalent Business Space component. Other Mashup Center components, such as feed generators, have no conceptual or functional equivalent in Business Space, although the output of these components can be used within Business Space.

The following list describes some of the major components of Mashup Center and how they relate to Business Space:
  • Mashup builder is where you create pages. Functionally, it is similar to an open business space because it displays a page and the widgets that it contains. Within the mashup builder, you can use tabs to navigate to other pages, edit the page to change its layout, and add and remove widgets from the page. Mashup builder also has hidden widgets and a mechanism to wire widgets together. Unlike Business Space, the page does not need to be in a space if you are working in the My Mashup Apps mode.
  • Space manager is where you can create and customize spaces and the pages that they contain. The space manager in Mashup Center looks and functions like the Space Manager in Business Space. Spaces are conceptually similar because they are containers for pages and provide a common theme and default access control. Unlike Business Space, Mashup Center supports nested pages.
  • Widget builder is where you can create custom widgets. There is no similar component in Business Space. However, you can use the widget builder to create custom widgets and then use those widgets in Business Space. Additionally, you can use tools such as Rational® Application Developer and Lotus® Widget Factory to create widgets for Business Space.
  • Catalog is a repository to contain artifacts that are common between Business Space and Mashup Center, such as widgets, pages, and spaces. The catalog also contains artifacts that are unique to Mashup Center, such as feeds. When Business Space is enabled to work with Mashup Center, it accesses the artifacts in the Mashup Center catalog. These artifacts are available for users to select in Business Space.

For information on these components and other Mashup Center components, see the getting started topic in the Mashup Center documentation.