Content Manager Records Enabler, Version 8.5.+                    

Content Manager Records Enabler system architecture

After a document is declared as a record, only authorized users are allowed to process the record. Both the contents and record metadata of declared records are controlled by the records management rules that are associated with the record. Contents of declared records are stored on the DB2® Content Manager server, and the record metadata is stored in the IBM® Records Manager database.

You use the DB2 Content Manager system administration client to define users and user groups and configure the DB2 Content Manager server to work with Content Manager Records Enabler functions. IBM Records Manager is used to import DB2 Content Manager users and user groups into IBM Records Manager and configure the IBM Records Manager system to work with Content Manager Records Enabler functions.

A records management system might consist of the following logical subsystems:
Content Manager Records Enabler server
Provides a centralized base for handling Content Manager Records Enabler user requests and their appropriate actions.
Content Manager Records Enabler host interface server
Implements the IBM Records Manager host interface application program interface (API) for DB2 Content Manager to enable communication between the IBM Records Manager server and the DB2 Content Manager server.
  • The Content Manager Records Enabler host interface is transparent to users. It is internally called by the IBM Records Manager administration client through the IBM Records Manager APIs. Users cannot use the host interface directly to import files. This problem might occur in the IBM Records Manager administration client when users try to import an item to DB2 Content Manager from the client.
  • You cannot use the Content Manager Records Enabler host interface to import large size files that exceed the Java™ Developer Kit (JDK) allocated maximum size. You can use another DB2 Content Manager client or API to import large size files.
DB2 Content Manager server
Provides secure document repository.
IBM Records Manager server
Provides life cycle retention management of corporate records.
DB2 Document Manager
Manages controlled items throughout their life cycles.
Clients integrated with Content Manager Records Enabler
Initiates the records declaration and classification and provides the interface between the IBM Records Manager and DB2 Content Manager systems.
IBM CommonStore
Provides the archiving capabilities necessary for e-mail.
Provides graphical interface for the record declaration and classification process and Content Manager Records Enabler server administration.
These logical systems can reside either on different machines or on a single machine.

Users send HTTP requests through DB2 Content Manager to the Content Manager Records Enabler server to declare records in IBM Records Manager. The Content Manager Records Enabler server invokes enterprise beans in the IBM Records Manager server to accomplish the declaration. The IBM Records Manager server calls back the enterprise bean in the Content Manager Records Enabler host interface server to set metadata of items, perform content search, retrieve content, and so on.

The following diagram shows the component architecture of a records management system.

Figure 1. Records management system architecture
Shows how the various components of a document and content management system connect to and clients.


Last updated: March 2009

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