KAYC0084W Queue capacity (queue_capacity) reached for output output_description


The OMEGAMON® Data Connect internal queue for this output has reached the maximum number of records specified by the connect.event-publisher.queue-capacity configuration parameter.

Typical reasons are related to high data volume, such as high data frequency. For example:

  • The output destination has stopped reading incoming records because it has run out of space.
  • Incoming records are arriving faster than OMEGAMON Data Connect can process them.
Flood-controlled: To avoid duplicate messages flooding the log, this message is subject to flood control. OMEGAMON Data Connect might suppress duplicate messages within the flood control interval. For details, see the OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters under connect.logging.flood-control.

System action

  1. The queue rejects (drops) any new incoming records until the queue falls within capacity. This output loses data.
  2. OMEGAMON Data Connect continues to read incoming records, even if all queues are at capacity.
  3. OMEGAMON Data Connect continues to report this message until the queue falls within capacity.

Other outputs are unaffected because each output has its own queue. For example, suppose you have configured multiple outputs, and the destination of one of those outputs stops reading records. The queue for that output grows until it reaches capacity, and then rejects any new incoming records. Meanwhile, the queues for other outputs continue accepting incoming records.

User response

  1. Check the health of the output destination.

    For example, check the log of the destination analytics platform for the following messages:

    • Errors such as No space left on device
    • Warnings about data arriving faster that it can be processed, including internal queues or buffers reaching capacity
  2. If the destination is healthy, review the following aspects of your OMEGAMON Data Provider environment:
    • The value of connect.event-publisher.queue-capacity.

      Consider whether you need to increase the value to match your site-specific conditions.

    • The data frequency of records that you are sending to OMEGAMON Data Connect.

      For example, review your OMEGAMON collection intervals. Consider whether you can reduce the frequency of some collection intervals.

    • The processing resources and performance characteristics of the system on which you are running OMEGAMON Data Connect.

      Consider whether you need faster hardware.

    • The topology of your OMEGAMON Data Provider environment.

      Consider whether to divide the workload across more instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.