Changing OMEGAMON Data Broker network activity logging level

You can enter an MVS™ MODIFY system command to change the logging level of OMEGAMON® Data Broker network activity dynamically, while OMEGAMON Data Broker is running.

About this task

In OMEGAMON Data Broker, each forwarder has a logging level. The logging level determines the level of network activity each forwarder logs. The default level is 0 (none).

Typically, you only need to set the logging level if IBM® Software Support requests you to do so for troubleshooting. The logging level does not affect KAYB-prefix messages from OMEGAMON Data Broker.

You can set the logging level in the forwarder parameters in the configuration member of the Zowe™ cross-memory server that runs OMEGAMON Data Broker.

Alternatively, you can use the MVS MODIFY system command described here to set the logging level dynamically, overriding the logging level set in the configuration member.


Issue an MVS MODIFY system command to the Zowe cross-memory server that runs OMEGAMON Data Broker:
F KAYSIS01,S(KAYB) FWD LOGOPTS(VERBOSITY) <forwarder_id> <log_level>


  • KAYSIS01 is the name of the Zowe cross-memory server job.
  • The fixed value KAYB identifies the OMEGAMON Data Broker plug-in as the target of the command.
  • <forwarder_id> matches the corresponding forwarder parameters in the configuration member.
  • Allowed values for <log_level>:
    <log_level> Description Notes
    0 None Default value
    1 Fatal Only log fatal errors
    2 Error Log all errors
    3 Warning Log any warnings
    4 Info Log informational messages
    5 Verbose Log verbose informational messages
    6 Debug Log messages useful for debugging
    7 Trace Log low-level trace messages
    8 All Log all messages

    Higher logging levels include all messages from lower levels. For example, level 4 (info) includes all warnings and errors.

    The details in messages at levels 6 and higher are intended for use only by IBM Software Support.

    To reset the logging level to the value set in the configuration member or, if the member does not set a value, to 0, specify the keyword DEFAULT instead of a numeric level.


OMEGAMON Data Broker logs network activity messages to the Zowe cross-memory server job step output data set with ddname SYSOUT (//SYSOUT DD) or, if the server job step does not define that ddname, then to data sets with the ddname SYS<nnnnn> (SYS00001, SYS00002, etc.).


The following command sets the OM forwarder logging level to 7:


The following command resets the OM forwarder logging level to the value set in the configuration member or, if the member does not set a value, to 0: