Configuring OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source

To use OMEGAMON® monitoring agents as a data source for OMEGAMON Data Provider, you need to configure the runtime member RKANPARU(KAYOPEN) to specify which historical collections to send to OMEGAMON Data Broker.

Before you begin

Historical collections are a prerequisite for using OMEGAMON Data Provider. Before configuring OMEGAMON Data Provider, you need to create historical collections.

To create historical collections, you use the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (e3270UI) or the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal (TEP). For more information about creating historical collections, see the OMEGAMON documentation for e3270UI and TEP.

Some analytics platforms might require, or provide specific support for, particular attributes. You need to create the corresponding historical collections for those attributes. For information about some analytics platforms, see Integrating analytics platforms with OMEGAMON Data Provider. Otherwise, see the documentation for your analytics platform.

You need to know the location of the TKANSAM library installed by the prerequisite OMEGAMON software.

About this task

OMEGAMON Data Provider uses the runtime member RKANPARU(KAYOPEN) to specify destinations for historical collections.

The KAYOPEN member is optional. If you omit it, then collected attributes are sent only to the persistent data store (PDS), not OMEGAMON Data Broker.

KAYOPEN specifies which attribute groups (tables) to send to OMEGAMON Data Broker. Later, when configuring OMEGAMON Data Connect, you can specify which attributes (fields) to publish from those tables.

The TKANSAM library contains a sample KAYOPEN member.


  1. Copy the TKANSAM(KAYOPEN) member to a location of your choice where you want to permanently store your primary customized copy of this member.
    Attention: The KAYOPEN member is not managed by PARMGEN or Monitoring Configuration Manager. Some actions of PARMGEN and Monitoring Configuration Manager, such as the GENERATE action of Monitoring Configuration Manager, delete RKANPARU library members. PTF UJ93077 for APAR OA64681 (2Q23) excludes members with the name pattern KAY*, such as KAYOPEN, from being deleted. If your site does not yet have that PTF applied, then you must maintain your primary copy of KAYOPEN in a different location of your choice and, after each GENERATE action, copy KAYOPEN to the RKANPARU library.
  2. Edit the KAYOPEN member in the permanent location you have chosen to maintain it.
    Figure 1. Excerpt of sample OMEGAMON Data Provider collection configuration member, KAYOPEN
      name: ODP_BROKER          #  1 
      - product: km5            #  2 
        table: assumry
        interval: 1
          - open
          - pds
      - product: km5
        table: ascpuutil
        interval: 1
          - open
          - pds
    The key (the name child key of the broker key) refers to the name of the Zowe™ cross-memory server that runs OMEGAMON Data Broker.

    The name is the value of the NAME runtime parameter of the JCL EXEC statement that runs the server.

    Tip: Use the value ODP_BROKER as specified in the sample configuration member. That value matches the name in the sample JCL member to run the server, described later in Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker.
    For each existing historical collection that you want to send to OMEGAMON Data Broker, insert a corresponding entry under the collections key to select the collection.

    Each entry must specify the following selection criteria:

    The 3-character kpp product code of the monitoring agent that owns the table.
    The table name.
    The collection interval in minutes or the special value 0 (zero).

    The value 0 acts as a wildcard; it selects all historical collections for the table, regardless of collection interval.

    If you specify a number of minutes, ensure that the value matches the interval of a historical collection that you want to send.

    To send attributes to OMEGAMON Data Broker, the destinations must include the value open.

    For comprehensive details on editing KAYOPEN, see Configuration parameters for OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source.

  3. Copy the customized KAYOPEN member from its permanent location to the RKANPARU library of your OMEGAMON runtime environment.
  4. If the monitoring agents that own the tables for the collections are running, then reload the collection configuration in each of the affected agents.