Configuration file reference for OCI container images

Starting with IBM Z® Operational Log and Data Analytics 5.1.x.14, all configuration files that are required during runtime of the OCI container-based components have been moved from the product's host file system (<ZOA_HOME>) into OCI volume storage. As a result, the <ZOA_HOME>/config/ subdirectory no longer exits.

Only the following configuration files that are needed by the Z operational analytics management scripts (dockerManageZoa.shand remain on the product's host file system:
The file contains all required and optional configuration properties for common services and the Z Data Analytics Platform services. If the Z Data Analytics Platform and Z Anomaly Analytics are installed on the same system, then it will also contain all required and optional configuration properties for the Z Anomaly Analytics OCI container-based services.
The file is organized in sections based on the capabilities that are supported by specific configuration properties. It is extensively documented and provides all the information needed to correctly set the configuration property values.
Do not update this file unless you are instructed by IBM® Support to do so.

Replaced configuration files

In IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics 5.1.x.14, the following configuration files that were in the directory <ZOA_HOME>/config/ were replaced:
Table 1. Replaced configuration files
Previous configuration file New configuration properties
<ZOA_HOME>/config/datastore/jvm.options ZAIOPS_DATASTORE_HEAP

The new configuration property is in the zoa_env.config file.

<ZOA_HOME>/config/parser/jvm.options ZDAP_PARSER_HEAP

The new configuration property is in the zoa_env.config file.

  • IBM-provided originals remain in <ZOA_HOME>/extensions/parser/pipeline/*.
  • Runtime copies are maintained in OCI volume.
  • Run command config-parser-pipeline or config-parser-pipeline to create and maintain the runtime copies.
  • The raw (non-curated) ingestion pipeline will be populated exclusively based on the raw data streams that are defined in the customer-provided Z Common Data Provider policy file.

    You can run command process-cdp-policy or process-cdp-policy to process a policy file and initially load it into the designated OCI volume.

New configuration properties

In IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics 5.1.x.14, the following configuration properties were newly added in the <ZOA_HOME>/zoa_env.config file:
Defines the logging driver for the container management tool.
Defines the container logging mode: blocking or non-blocking.
Defines the format for the Problem Insights server console log output.
Defines the logging level for the Problem Insights server console log.
Defines the logging level for the Problem Insights server trace log.
In IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics 5.1.x.14 Interim Fix 1, the following configuration property was newly added in the <ZOA_HOME>/zoa_env.config file:
Specifies how many requests per minute a client component can submit to the Z Operational Analytics gateway service. After the specified limit is reached, the gateway's request rate limit is enforced and further requests are rejected.

Removed configuration properties

In IBM Z Operational Log and Data Analytics 5.1.x.14, the following configuration property was removed from the <ZOA_HOME>/zoa_env.config file:
This property was replaced by the following properties: