Fast paths for WebSphere Application Server

Use the fast paths to deploy applications quickly and easily. The links go to topics that pinpoint the relevant information for reaching your goals quickly. The fast paths are intended to help you gain a little experience. The fast paths do not showcase the advanced product features that some users need or want to use in their production environments.

About this task

Deploying any type of application involves the following tasks.


  1. Install the product.

    The simplest scenario is to perform a typical installation of a single application server.

  2. Obtain or develop your application.

    In the simplest scenario, you already have a packaged web application that is compliant with Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), perhaps from a vendor with whom you work. Other than that, a web application is the most simple type of application to develop. See topics on developing web applications, or refer to product samples.

  3. Deploy and test your application.

    In the simplest scenario, you will use the application installation wizard available in the administrative console. See topics on installing applications for a detailed walkthrough of this task. The task describes many contingencies, but many of these steps can be disregarded if:

    • You are deploying a web application.
    • You accept the default settings whenever possible.
    • Your application does not require data access.
    • Your application does not require security.

    Also, in many situations, you do not need to modify the default application server configuration.

  4. Administer your deployed application.

    In the simplest scenario, you monitor your application with the Tivoli® Performance Viewer functionality built into the administrative console. For an overview of this task, see topics on Monitoring performance.


Now you should have some insight into the task flow for successfully deploying your applications.

To solidify and expand your understanding, view the following table. It shows the user role and task assumptions by which this documentation is organized, for predictability. If you know what role or task you are performing, you can disregard (at least temporarily) documentation that is labeled for other roles or tasks. By their nature, role and task models are simplified compared to reality. Also, one person might perform many roles and tasks in the course of a day.

Table 1. Mapping of user roles to user tasks. Each user role performs at least one user task.
User role User tasks
Installer roleInstaller role, migration


Installation task Install application serving environment

Administration task Administer applications and environment

Migration task Migrate deployed applications and their environment

Administator roleAdministrator role, monitor and tune


Administration task Administer applications and environment

Deployment task Deploy applications into production

Monitoring and tuning task Monitor and tune applications and their environment

Developer role


Development task Develop or migrate application code

Assembly task Assemble applications for deployment

Deployment task Deploy applications for testing

Security role

Security expert

Security task Secure applications and their environment

Troubleshooter role


Troubleshooting task Use tools to troubleshoot problems