
This section contains syntax diagrams, semantic descriptions, rules, and examples of the use of the SQL statements.

By using SQL statements, you can accomplish activities in the following categories, among others:

  • Define, modify, or drop data objects such as tables by using various forms of CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements. These statements are formally categorized as SQL schema statements, and sometimes informally as Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
  • Retrieve, insert, update, or delete data in tables by using SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and MERGE statements. These statements are formally categorized as SQL data statements, and sometimes informally as Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements.
  • Authorize users to access specific resources such as tables or views by using various forms of GRANT, REVOKE, and TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statements. These statements are formally categorized as SQL schema statements, but they are also sometimes informally categorized as Data Control Language (DCL) statements.

For similar information about the use of SQL procedure language (SQL PL) statements, see SQL procedural language (SQL PL).