Support for Assistant capabilities on data sources

The Use Assistant capability can now be set at the source level. Previously, capability to use the Assistant was set at the user level. When the Use Assistant capability is enabled on a source, you can interact with the source in the Assistant and ask questions or create a visualization or dashboard.

When you open the assistant panel, the source is set to the active data source that is in Dashboard or Explore, depending on which component you open the assistant panel from. If you do not have Use Assistant capability for the source, you might be prompted to select a source before you can proceed.

If you do not have Use Assistant capability on a specific source, when you enter Show source <source name>, the Assistant displays a message indicating that the package cannot be used.

Auto-suggestions for Show source <source name> will include the data source as an option, however, you won't be able to interact with the source.

The list of sources returned by Show sources includes those sources which you do not have access to in the Assistant.