Improved visualization details

Visualization details for Explorations have been enhanced and improved for readability. These natural language insights are more concise and easier to understand, allowing you to quickly review information from the data analysis.

Here is a look at how the details have changed:

Previous details New details
The sum of Revenue for all values of Year is 4,686,775,769. Over all years, the sum of Revenue is nearly 4.7 billion.
The value of Quantity is unusually high when Retailer country is United States. Quantity is unusually high when Retailer country is United States
The summed values of Quantity range from a minimum of 1,301,136 (when Retailer country is Denmark) to a maximum of 15,722,077 (when Retailer country is United States). Quantity ranges from over 1.3 million, when Retailer country is Denmark, to nearly 16 million, when Retailer country is United States.
For Revenue, Web is the most important category of Order method type with a total value of 3,712,235,908 (79.2 % of the total). For Revenue, the most significant value of Order method type is Web, whose respective Revenue values add up to over 3.7 billion, or 79.2 % of the total.
Note: This improvement is currently only supported in English. Users in other languages continue to see visualization details as before.

You can see visualization details under the Details tab in Explorations. For more information, see Viewing visualization details.