Tree map

Use a tree map visualization to identify patterns and exceptions in a large, complex data asset.

Tree maps show relationships among large numbers of components by using size and color coding in a set of nested rectangles.

A tree map that is colored by category identifies the level 1 category by color. The sizes of the rectangles represent the values. In a tree map that is colored by value, the sizes of the rectangles represent one of the values and the color represents a second set of values. Do not use data that includes negative numbers. A tree map ignores negative numbers.

Many data assets have a hierarchical structure. For example, you have data about the profit margin of food items in a grocery store. Under the general category of fruit, there is a category for citrus fruit. Various citrus fruits are listed, such as grapefruit, orange, and lemon. A tree map tells you how each citrus fruit is performing when compared to each other and to other types of food.

For example, this tree map visualization shows course cost by organization.

Example of a tree map visualization

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