Use the new 'Expand to' and 'Keep with' options to organize members in a set

Expand to and Keep with have been added to the set editor. These new features display a set of members, based on hierarchy.

Expand to adds members to the set, allowing you to display members of one level higher or one level lower, based on the selected hierarchy. To access this feature, right-click on a member, select Expand to, and select the hierarchy you want to display from the menu.

Expand to in the set editor

Keep with, previously named Show, replaces members in the set, based on the selected hierarchy. To access this feature, right-click on a member, select Keep with, and select the hierarchy you want to display from the menu.

Keep with in the set editor

The Expand to and Keep with features both have a new menu item, named Parent and siblings. In Expand to, this allows you to expand a set member to its parents and siblings, and in Keep with, this allows you to replace a set member with its parents and siblings.