Manage database thread activity on the modeling workbench

You can now view and manage thread activity for a database directly on the modeling workbench.

This new feature provides many of the same capabilities available for thread monitoring in Planning Analytics Administration.

To monitor thread activity on a Planning Analytics database, right-click the database on the Databases tree, then click Threads.

The thread monitor displays all threads on the database using these sortable columns. The availability of columns varies between Planning Analytics database and Planning Analytics Engine. You can click Settings Settings icon to manage the display of columns.

The name of the user who initiated the thread.
The current thread state.
  • Idle: not using resources
  • Wait: waiting on other threads, blocked
  • Running
  • Commit: committing updates made by a thread
  • Rollback: rolling back to a state before an update
  • Login: when a user logs in and initiates a thread
Indicates a User or System thread.
The API function being executed by the thread.
The length of time, in seconds, that the thread has been in a wait state.
The total elapsed time of the thread in its current state.
W/R/Ix locks
The number of write, read, and intent-to-write locks that the thread holds.

A write lock allows only the thread that holds the lock to access and write changes to an object. No other thread can read or modify the object until the W lock has been released.

A read lock allows many threads to read from an object at the same time, but does not allow another thread to modify or write to the object until all R locks have been released.

An intent-to-write lock reserves the right for a thread to obtain a write lock on an object when all read locks have been released. Only one thread at a time is allowed to have an Ix lock on an object.

The connected Planning Analytics client that is associated with the thread.

To cancel an individual thread, click the Cancel icon adjacent to the final column on the report, then confirm the action.

Cancel icon on the thread monitor.

To cancel multiple threads:

  1. Click Pause. When monitoring is paused, check boxes are available to select individual threads.
  2. Select the threads you want to cancel.
  3. Click Cancel threads on the toolbar, then confirm the action.
  4. Click Resume to resume thread monitoring.