New filtering options available in the dimension editor

Additional filtering options are now available in the dimension editor, which allow you to further narrow the focus of members that are displayed in the editor.

Previously, you could filter members in the dimension editor with Filter (optional) or use Search to generate a list of members that match the search term.

Dimension editor showing the Filter (optional) and Search features

In IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.93, along with the existing Filter (optional) and Search methods, new filtering options similar to those in the set editor are available under the new Filter icon.

Click the Filter icon in the dimension editor toolbar to filter on member names. You can choose operators such as = or < > to create dynamic selections and combine up to three filter parameters in one go.

New filters in the dimension editor

When you apply these filters on the Members tab, the same filters automatically apply to the members on the Attributes tab.

Clearing filters on Members or Attributes tab, clears the filters on both tabs.