Resize books to fill space in a tab

You can now resize a book in a tab that contains the full width and height within different window sizes with the new Fill space feature.

Previously, the aspect ratio of the book and its contents was maintained. Now, all the contents in a book fit perfectly within the browser window and the aspect ratio setting is ignored. You can apply the Fill space feature in several places: when creating a new book with tabs, a new book from a Fill space template, and in Properties.

Note: When you save Views or Websheets, they are saved as a Fill space layout by default.

Fill space in book tabs

You can apply the Fill space feature when creating a new book.
  1. From the Home menu, click + New > Book.
  2. In Edit mode, click Tab 1 then click Change template.

    Change template of the current tab

    1. Click the second template in the first row, then click Create to change the layout to Fill space.

      Book template with Fill space selection

  3. Alternatively, you can click the Add new tab icon +.
    1. Click the second template in the first row, then click Create to change the layout to Fill space

Fill space in book from template layout

You can use the Fill space feature when creating a Book from template.
  1. From the Home menu, click + New > Book from template.
  2. Click Fill space and select the template, then click Create.

Fill space in properties

You can set the Fill space feature in the Properties panel on widgets in the current tab of a book.
  1. Click Properties.
  2. Under General, click Canvas and go to the Page size section.
  3. Set the Fill space toggle to enable the feature.

    Fill space toggle set to on

Image fit

For image widgets, you can also apply the Image fit property that's found in the Properties panel by choosing any of the following options:
  • Contain – the default option for an image widget that locks the image's width and height when you resize the image.
  • Fill – fills up the image in the entire widget container but stretches the image when you resize it.
  • Cover – maintains the height of the image and crops the width when you adjust the size.

To add images to a book see Add pictures, media, and web pages.

You can resize your image widgets by clicking the image, then under Image details click the Image fit drop-down menu to view all the options.

Image properties with options of Contain, Fill, and Cover