Expand and collapse rows and columns asymmetrically or symmetrically

You can now expand and collapse rows and columns in a view either asymmetrically or symmetrically. Click the new Expand/Collapse icon in the toolbar and select how you want to expand and collapse rows and columns.

Expand/Collapse icon on the toolbar

By default, expansion and collapse of rows and columns in views is asymmetrical. This means you can expand or collapse nested members individually.

An individual member was expanded in asymmetric expansion

In symmetrical expansion, expanding a nested member automatically expands that member across all hierarchies. In the following example, notice how expanding S Series 2WD for Denmark expands S Series 2WD for all countries.

Video showing symmetric expansion
Tip: If you set Expand/Collapse to be symmetrical but need to make an asymmetric gesture, you can do so with Target selection. Click Target selection or press F7, and expand or collapse an individual nested member.