Enhanced search and filter features

The search and filter features for the Available members pane in the new experience set editor have been enhanced. Before Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.76, you could use Search to search for members in a set and use Filter for advanced search options. Now, both these features are more intuitive and improved for usability.

Two new options are now available when you filter a set, Match all of the following and Match any of the following. These options apply to the filter statements when you filter a set by more than one attribute. The default selection is Match all of the following.

In the following example, the set was filtered to include only members that contain ma and an in their name.

Filter applied to the name attribute

Once you apply a filter, the filter parameter clears from the Filter menu. This allows you to add more filters to further narrow your member selections.

However, you can still see the applied filters in the Member name list under Available members or in the MDX.

Note: Replace the Current set with the filtered set and click MDX to see the applied filters.
MDX showing applied filter

If you apply a filter to an already filtered set, the new filter applies to the MDX state around the first filter. For example, in the following MDX, a new filter was applied to an already filtered set to include only members with names that contain the letter r.

MDX showing multiple filters applied

You can click Reset to clear all the filters you applied and restore the set to its original state.

For more information on filtering, see Filtering sets.


With Search, you can look for members that match specific criteria but only in the current MDX state. This means if a set is filtered, search looks for members that match the given criteria in the filtered set and not the full list of members.

To search for members, click Search and type your criteria in the search box. Press Enter to search.

Search feature
Note: Unlike filters, searches do not accumulate. Your search results replace any previous searches that you conducted.

You can clear your search by deleting or replacing the input in the search box and pressing Enter. Or, click Reset.

For more information, see Searching in sets.