General design improvements in Applications and Plans

To improve user experience, the Applications and Plans user interface features several design updates in this release.

Applications and Plans header and menu option updates

In both Applications and Plans, to improve space utilization, the header and menu options were moved up.

The Add task option in Plans and Add a section option in Applications have also moved up to be inline with the other menu options.

Plans header and menu options moved up and inline

If you have an image in an application or plan header, the image is also now inline with the application or plan name.

If a plan has a specified timeline, the number of days that are left to complete all tasks in the plan now features in the plan header.
Work flow tab in Plans

In Plans, the flow view was moved to a separate tab called Work flow. Previously, you had to switch from the task list view to flow view to view or define task dependencies. Now, you can see the tasks in list view under the Tasks tab and the task flow in the Work flow tab. You can still create tasks and view and define task dependencies in the Work flow tab.

New work flow tab in Plans