Use formulas to manipulate a data source during a .csv import

When you use the Import data or Import members options to import from a .csv file into a workbench, you can define formulas to manipulate the source data.

You can use any of these options on the Databases tree to import a .csv data source into a modeling workbench:
  • Database > Import data
  • Database > Import members
  • Cubes node > Import data
  • Cube name > Import data
  • Dimensions node > Import members
  • Dimension name > Import members

When mapping your data source for any of these import methods, a Formula mapping option is now available when you create a variable. When you select the Formula option, a formula editor opens and you can enter a formula to manipulate the data in the source column corresponding to the variable.

Mapping to a formula

You can create a formula to perform an arithmetic calculation, manipulate strings, or apply any available Planning Analytics function to your data source. The formula editor includes an auto-complete feature to help you select and complete applicable functions.

Auto-fill feature in the formula editor