Import a data source with multiple data value columns to an existing cube

If a data source includes multiple data value columns, you can now create mappings to import all data columns simultaneously into an existing cube. This is useful when importing data that has multiple value columns for days, weeks, or months.

You cannot import multiple data columns when creating a new cube.

For example, this data source includes value columns for both Quantity and Sales dollars.

A data source with multiple data columns

In this case, Quantity and Sales dollars correspond to elements of the Measures dimension in an existing cube. When you map an existing cube dimension to Data values in the data source mapping, a new Select element mapping option becomes available, which you can use to map individual elements to value columns in the source.

Measures mapping showing the 'Select element' option

You can click Select element to pick a Measures dimension element in the existing cube, and then click Select mapping to map the Measures element to a value column in the data source. In this example, the Qty member in the Measures dimension maps to the Quantity value column in the data source.

Qty member mapped to the Quantity column in the data source

Because the data source has multiple data value columns, you can click Add data + to create additional data mappings. Again, using our example, we know there is a Sales member in the Measures dimension, you we can map it to the appropriate value column in the data source.

Sales member mapped to the Sales dollars column in the data source

When all the data value columns in the data source are mapped, the Add data + option is disabled.