Set editor available for TM1SET function in websheets

The new TM1SET function in TM1 Web websheets supports the IBM Planning Analytics Workspace set editor. Previously, set editor integration was not supported in websheets.

When you use websheets in Planning Analytics Workspace, you can open the set editor by double-clicking a cell that contains the TM1SET function.

Note: TM1SET in Planning Analytics Workspace Cloud supports the new experience set editor. If you are using Planning Analytics Workspace Local, TM1SET uses the default set editor based on your settings.
Carbon set editor in websheet

Any changes you make to the set definition, updates the output of the formula as well as any cells that the TM1SET references.

The TM1SET function in standalone TM1 Web uses TM1 Web’s subset editor (member drop-down selector) instead of the Planning Analytics Workspace set editor.

TM1 Web subset editor
Note: To launch the set editor in Planning Analytics Workspace integrated websheets or use the member drop-down selector in standalone TM1 Web, cell(s) containing the TM1SET function must be in a tracked area named range (apply tm2\\_tracked). You can apply the tracked area name range to TM1SET cells in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.