UseSQLFetch UseSQLFetchScroll UseSQLExtendedFetch

These parameters instruct Planning Analytics database to use a particular fetch call.

This parameter is not applicable to Planning Analytics Engine.

Parameter type: optional, dynamic

When you run TurboIntegrator process that extracts information from an ODBC data source, Planning Analytics database tries to use the most efficient SQL fetch call possible.Planning Analytics database queries the ODBC driver to determine which of the following SQL Fetch calls to use to extract the data:

SQLFetch(), an ODBC 1 function

SQLExtendedFetch(), an ODBC 2function

SQLFetchScroll(), an ODBC 3 function

These parameters are all dynamic.

If Planning Analytics database receives no response when it queries the ODBC driver, your Planning Analytics database process will result in an error unless one of the following parameters is set to T in your Planning Analytics database configuration:




These parameters instruct Planning Analytics database to use a particular fetch call. You must ensure that the call specified in Tm1s.cfg is appropriate for the ODBC driver being accessed, and you can specify only one of these parameters in Planning Analytics database configuration.

For example, to instruct the Planning Analytics database to use the SQLExtendedFetch() call to extract data from an ODBC source, add the following line to Planning Analytics database configuration:
