Managing certificate providers
Certificate-based identity provides access to precise insights while it connects external certificates providers with an extra security layer such as a X.509 compliant digital certificate. It authenticates using the digital certificate with IBM® Security Verify when it accesses the connected applications. Administrators can verify identities by using this digital signature for authentication and compliance purposes. In addition, certificates might work with common access (CAC) or personal identity verification (PIV) card.
Before you begin
- You must have administrative permission to complete this task.
- Log in to the IBM Security Verify administration console as an Administrator.
- To be able to use the certificate provider, your tenant must have a vanity hostname. See Obtaining a vanity hostname.
- You need to provide the root and the intermediate certificates through the support route:
- If your tenant is created and has a vanity hostname that is properly configured, contact IBM Security Verify by opening a ticket through IBM support team, and you will be notified on how to provide the certificates.
- You must keep the certificates in X.509 PEM encoded format.
- This is an example:
# Trust chain intermediate certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEaTCCA1GgAwIBAgILBAAAAAABRE7wQkcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwVzELMAkG C33JiJ1Pi/D4nGyMVTXbv/Kz6vvjVudKRtkTIso21ZvBqOOWQ5PyDLzm+ebomchj SHh/VzZpGhkdWtHUfcKc1H/hgBKueuqI6lfYygoKOhJJomIZeg0k9zfrtHOSewUj ... dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmdsb2JhbHNpZ24uY29tL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvMDMGA1UdHwQsMCow KKAmoCSGImh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuZ2xvYmFsc2lnbi5uZXQvcm9vdC5jcmwwPQYIKwYB K1pp74P1S8SqtCr4fKGxhZSM9AyHDPSsQPhZSZg= -----END CERTIFICATE----- # Trust chain root certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDdTCCAl2gAwIBAgILBAAAAAABFUtaw5QwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwVzELMAkG YWxTaWduIG52LXNhMRAwDgYDVQQLEwdSb290IENBMRswGQYDVQQDExJHbG9iYWxT aWduIFJvb3QgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDaDuaZ ... jc6j40+Kfvvxi4Mla+pIH/EqsLmVEQS98GPR4mdmzxzdzxtIK+6NiY6arymAZavp 38NflNUVyRRBnMRddWQVDf9VMOyGj/8N7yy5Y0b2qvzfvGn9LhJIZJrglfCm7ymP HMUfpIBvFSDJ3gyICh3WZlXi/EjJKSZp4A== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Note: For more information about PEM encoded format, see RFC 1421 - Receive confirmation that the certificate chain has been configured properly with the vanity hostname on your tenant. After you receive confirmation, you can use the issued client certificate for SAML and OIDC authentication as well as your user launchpad.
About this task
Verify supports
access to several capabilities that accomplish complex tasks. Such as own base service providers and
other application interfaces that are commonly used for developing custom service providers. X.509
digital signature certificate provides many benefits. Two important are certificate
revocation lists
and certification path validation algorithm
reaching a trust anchor.
If the configuration does not works, it might be for the following reasons:
If all the steps for onboarding an X.509 certificate provider are completed, and you are not able to see the certificate prompt when does access the test URL in the test configuration page:
- Ensure that a vanity hostname is being used.
- Ensure that the certificate chain is provided to IBM Security Verify through the support route.
If all the steps for onboarding a X.509 certificate provider are completed, and you are not able to see the certificate prompt when does access the test URL in the test configuration page, but authentication not works:
- Ensure that the certificate provider is enabled.
- If the JITP is enabled, ensure that the user is created in the specified identity provider.
- If the JITP is disabled, ensure that the user exists in the specified identity provider.
If uniqueUserIdentifier
attribute is changed after the X.509
certificate provider onboard, then it is applicable only to the new authentications and users that
authenticate with a certificate for the first time.
If the JITP is enabled, then for users created in the specific identity provider for the first time.
By default a X.509 certificate provider is disabled, administrators must enable it before they try the test configuration.