Getting Started

Note: For additional getting started information and videos, visit the Merlin Overview support page.

Steps for the Merlin administrator:

  • The adminstrator creates a project and installs the IBM i Developer tool into the project.
  • The administrator runs the actions on the IBM i from Templates
  • Merlin user is created by the adminstrator and the user is given access to the Merlin project with the IBM i Developer tool

Steps for the user:

  • Define Credentials in platform Connections
    • Define IBM i hostname in Inventory
      • Note: verify all prerequisites are installed on the IBM i and that configuration has been completed.
    • Define IBM i user profile and password in Credentials
    • Define Templates with inventory and credential
  • Start IBM i Developer
    • Under Tools>Deployed Tools, launch IBM i Developer to launch the Dashboard. Dashboard is where application developers create, start, stop, and manage their development workspaces all from a web browser.
  • Start workspace
    • From Create Workspace page:
      • Select IBM i Developer tools stack to create a clean workspace with all the IBM i developer tools
      • Select IBM i Developer and demo application tools stack to create a workspace populated with an IBM i application loaded from git with all the IBM i developer tools.

Note: IBM i Developer is built on top of Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces. For more information on what else can be done with workspaces, see the Red Hat documentation.

For information on using ARCAD tools, see How to use ARCAD integration with IBM i Modernization Engine for Lifecycle Integration