The GENERATE action generates runtime members for a runtime environment from a set of configured parameters.

Before you begin

Before performing a GENERATE action for an existing runtime environment, stop the started tasks for that runtime environment. Started tasks can lock runtime members, such as persistent data store data sets. Locked runtime members can cause the GENERATE action to fail.

Note: You can also use the GENERATE action to make a copy of your SMP/E target libraries. For more information, see Using SMP/E target library copies.

About this task

With the GENERATE action, you can generate the runtime members and started tasks for your runtime environment.

The following list provides details about the GENERATE action:
  • The GENERATE action generates runtime members from the parameters in the runtime environment definition library, rte_plib_hilev.RTEDEF. The GENERATE action builds the set of parameters that is used by concatenating the corresponding RTEDEF library members.
  • Run the GENERATE action on the LPAR where you will start the runtime environment. For example, if your site uses JES2, insert a SYSAFF job parameter after the JOB statement to ensure that the job runs on that LPAR.
  • If the RTEDEF library contains LPAR-specific members, then the GENERATE action uses the LPAR-specific members for the LPAR where the GENERATE action is running. For example, consider the RTEDEF library that contains the following members:
    • KDS$PARM
    • KDS$ZOS1
    • KDS$ZOS2

    If you run the GENERATE action on LPAR ZOS1, then the GENERATE action uses the non-LPAR-specific member KDS$PARM and the LPAR-specific member KDS$ZOS1, but not the LPAR-specific member KDS$ZOS2.

  • Specify KFJ_LOCAL_PLIB_HILEV in the KCIVARS DD, along with KFJ_SYSNAME, if you want to generate a runtime environment that will be deployed using a different local high-level qualifier.
    If you decide to use different settings for the local generation of the runtime environment, there are certain limitations in terms of parameters that can be customized. The following parameters are not allowed in the respective RTEDEF members:
    • KM2_HIST_DSTOR_RKM2EDS_DSNx (where x is 1 to 7)

    If any of these parameters are explicitly specified in the RTEDEF members, message KFJ00213E is returned in KCIPRINT and the workflow stops. To continue, remove these parameters from the RTEDEF data set members and re-run the GENERATE action.

  • You can use the OPTION parameter for the GENERATE action to control certain processing. For information about the available options, see GENERATE options.
  • After you run the GENERATE action, you can review a list of the members that were not replaced when the work (WK*) libraries were copied to the runtime (RK*) libraries due to having been defined in an exclude list. The list of members is provided in the exclude report, which is identified by the EXCLRPT DD statement. The exclude report is generated only for the GENERATE action without any options specified, or with only OPTION NOUSS or OPTION QUICKCONFIG specified.

    For more information, see Members excluded during GENERATE action.

To generate runtime members for a runtime environment using the GENERATE action, use the following procedure.


  1. Modify the KFJJMCM sample job in TKANSAM (see example below) to select a GENERATE action.
  2. Specify values for the required parameters RTE_NAME and RTE_PLIB_HILEV.
  3. (Optional) To generate a runtime environment that will be deployed using a different local high-level qualifier, specify KFJ_LOCAL_PLIB_HILEV and KFJ_SYSNAME.
  4. (Optional) To validate your RTEDEF data set before running the GENERATE action, add OPTION VALIDATE, then run the KFJJMCM job and review the validation report defined in the $VALRPT DD statement.
    Note: You cannot use the VALIDATE option with any other OPTION value.
  5. (Optional) To prepare intermediate work libraries, specify OPTION PREPARE, then run the KFJJMCM job.
    Note: You cannot use the PREPARE option with any other OPTION value.
  6. (Optional) To bypass configuration processing for z/OS® UNIX System Services, specify OPTION NOUSS.
  7. To run the GENERATE action to create the runtime members, remove OPTION VALIDATE (if present), and then run the KFJJMCM job.
    Job messages for the GENERATE action are written to the KCIPRINT SYSOUT data set.
  8. (Optional) On subsequent runs of the GENERATE action, you can perform select configuration steps by specifying the following options, as needed. To specify multiple options, separate the values with a comma and no spaces.
    • To run only the GENERATE workflow stage that deploys the parts related to z/OS UNIX, specify OPTION USS.
    • To perform configuration for security exits only, specify OPTION SECEXITS.
    • To perform only the step that loads the read-only configuration members to the RK* data sets, specify OPTION QUICKLOAD.
      Note: You can use the QUICKLOAD option with the USS and SECEXITS options, but you cannot use it with the NOUSS option.
    • To update the configurable members for the runtime environment (for example, in the RKANPARU, RKANSAMU, and RKANCMDU libraries) without refreshing data from SMP/E target libraries, specify OPTION QUICKCONFIG.
      Note: You cannot use the QUICKCONFIG option with the VALIDATE option or the NOUSS option.
    • To only assemble and link elements, specify OPTION RELINK.


The following JCL generates runtime members for the runtime environment that is defined by members of the TSOUID.MONSUITE.RTEDEF library, including RTE1 and LPAR-specific configuration profile members such as Kpp$ZOS1.

Figure 1. Example JCL to perform the GENERATE action
//KCIVARS  DD *                                        
RTE_NAME          RTE1

Note the JES2 SYSAFF parameter that causes the job to run on LPAR ZOS1.