Job Generator (JOBGEN) utility

Job Generator is a job-generation utility that can generate the necessary installation jobs for products that use Tivoli® Management Services on z/OS®.

The OMEGAMON® products share a great deal of base code in common libraries. This shared code makes the suite somewhat unique and more complex than many other IBM® products. For example, you need to go through all the program directories and understand how much DASD each product needs in the common libraries and allocate (or reallocate) them accordingly. The JOBGEN utility is available to generate the necessary installation jobs for products that use Tivoli Management Services on z/OS. The JOBGEN utility automatically handles proper data set allocation due to its ability to scan current data sets and analyze them for adequate space to install the selected products. The JOBGEN utility also provides a compiled list of hold data that you can review in one place for all products together.

The JOBGEN utility is delivered in the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tool component of the Tivoli Management Services on z/OS product and is enhanced through the maintenance stream.
Important: Before using JOBGEN, ensure that the latest maintenance is installed for FMID HKCI310 to get the latest updates for the JOBGEN product selection table.

If you are installing for the first time into a new environment and do not have an existing environment available to invoke the JOBGEN utility, use the sample jobs for the Tivoli Management Services on z/OS product and install it first. This will install the FMID containing the JOBGEN utility and the latest maintenance. Then you can invoke the utility from the target library TKANCUS to install other products in the package.

You can invoke the JOBGEN utility from the SMP/E target library with the low-level qualifier of TKANCUS. After you locate the TKANCUS file, launch the utility by using ISPF option 6 and entering the following command.

ex '&gbl_target_hilev.TKANCUS'

Select option 2, Installation Workflow: SMP/E-install z/OS products with Install Job Generator (JOBGEN), from the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tool main menu.

You can use the available online help as a tutorial to become familiar with the utility and its processes, and you can also follow the step-by-step case scenarios that are provided in the following topics. These case scenarios provide guidance on how to use the JOBGEN utility to create a new SMP/E environment with a few products installed, and to install additional products in an existing SMP/E environment.

For more information about using JOBGEN, see Program Directory for IBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS 6.3.2.

The JOBGEN utility process

The following figure provides a simplified view and guidance on how the JOBGEN utility can be used to create a new SMP/E environment or install products into an existing SMP/E environment. The cases identified in the boxes marked  1  and  2  will be described in detail in the following topics.
Figure 1. The JOBGEN process
A flowchart showing the JOBGEN utility process