What's new in version 0.41.0

The following new features and notable changes since version 0.40.0 are included in this release:

Features and changes

Start of content that applies only to Java 11+ (LTS) -XX:+CompactStrings option enabled by default

Like HotSpot, the-XX:+CompactStrings option is now enabled by default on Java™ 11 and later. In the earlier versions, this option is disabled by default.

For more information, see -XX:[+|-]CompactStrings. End of content that applies only to Java 11 and later

Change in behavior of -Xshareclasses:readonly

In the earlier releases, if the -Xshareclasses:readonly option and the JITServer AOT cache feature were both enabled at the same time at a JITServer client, the client could not use the JITServer AOT cache because the cache for storing data that the JITServer AOT cache needed was read-only.

Now, with the change in behavior of the -Xshareclasses:readonly option, the shared classes cache startup creates a temporary new (writable) top layer that the JITServer AOT cache can use to store data that it needs to function.

New -XX:[+|-]EnableDynamicAgentLoading option added

This option enables or disables the dynamic loading of agents into a running VM. The -XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading option is the default setting.

For more information, see -XX:[+|-]EnableDynamicAgentLoading.

New -XX:[+|-]UseZlibNX option added

AIX® system adds the zlibnx library directory path in the LIBPATH environment variable by default, if it is available in the system. You can control the loading of the zlibnx library by using the -XX:[+|-]UseZlibNX option.