What's new

IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS®, 11 is a new release that is fully compatible with Java™ SE version 11 class libraries.

The product includes open source Java technology from the OpenJDK project and the Eclipse OpenJ9 project, with some IBM technology and extensions added.

Quarterly refreshes of the SDK are made available on the Java SDK Products on z/OS support page. These refreshes can contain new features and serviceability improvements plus fixes from OpenJDK, OpenJ9, and IBM.

From version 11 of the SDK, release numbers are used to refer to refreshes instead of the service refresh and fix pack terminology that was used in earlier versions.

A list of features and the release in which they were first introduced is maintained in this online document: https://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/Java/JavaAllVer/misc/JavaLIRInventoryByDeliveryJava11.pdf.

A list of SDK releases and the OpenJDK versions that have comparative functionality is maintained in the IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS refreshes support document.