Developing XML applications

Rational Application Developer provides a comprehensive visual Extensible Markup Language (XML) development environment. Tools help you create, import, edit, validate, and generate XML and XSL files, DTDs, and XML schemas from DTD files. Mapping tools help you establish relationships between XML files.


You can read the following topics before creating XML applications. They provide planning and technology overview information that may be useful if you are new to XML or this development environment.

Conceptual information iconOverview of XML tools

Getting Started

If you are already familiar with XML applications the following topics will help you set up your workspace for XML development, and guide you through the development process.

Task information iconWorking with XML files
Task information iconWorking with XML schemas
Task information iconWorking with XSL files

Samples and Tutorials

The following XML samples and tutorials are included with this product:

Sample: Editing and validating XML files
This sample illustrates how you can use some of the guided editing features in the XML Editor to edit and validate XML files.
Sample: Generating SDO from XML Schema
The code in this sample represents how to generate Service Data Objects (SDOs) from an XML Schema, and how to use the generated SDOs.
Tutorial: Create an XML schema and generate Java beans
This tutorial provides an overview of XML schema and Java™ beans. There are four lessons that will help you understand how to create and edit these types of documents using the XML schema editor.
Tutorial: Generate and transform an XML file
This tutorial will help you to generate and transform an XML file using the XML editor to utilize DTD and XSL files.

Resources for learning available on the Web

In addition to the information found in this infocenter, the following links provide additional learning material.

IBM® Redbooks®: Rational® Application Developer V7 Programming Guide
