Converting the target environment of projects

Draft comment:
This topic only applies to BAW, and is located in the BAW repository. Last updated on 2025-01-20 10:38
You can convert the target environment for a project. When you convert the target environment, there may be dependent toolkit versions or artifacts that you need to modify to enable your project to be installed and run in the corresponding runtime environment.

Before you begin

You should consider creating a snapshot of your project as a backup before you convert its target environment.

About this task

You can select one of the following target environment options for your project:
  • Traditional: The project is designated to be installed and run on Workflow Server in the traditional WebSphere runtime environment.
  • Traditional or Container: The project is designated to be installed and run on either Workflow Server in the traditional runtime environment or Workflow Server in the container runtime environment.

When you change the target environment for a project in Process Designer, the dependent toolkit versions and artifacts for the project are automatically validated to ensure that they are compatible with the corresponding runtime environment. If some of the dependent toolkit versions or artifacts are not compatible, a Target Environment Conversion tab is displayed where you can make the modifications that are required for your project to be successfully installed in the runtime environment. The Target Environment Conversion tab is composed of the following two sections:

  • Toolkit Dependencies: This section is only displayed in the following conditions:
    • There are dependent toolkit versions that have a target environment that is not compatible with the target environment selected for the associated project.
    • There are critical validation errors that will prevent the toolkit from being installed.
  • Conversion Actions: This section is only displayed when there are artifacts that are not compatible with the selected target environment.

The Conversion Actions section contains several list boxes for converting, manually fixing, or deleting artifacts to enable the project to be installed in the runtime environment. In the title bar of each list box, the number in parentheses to the right of the title indicates how many artifacts need to be converted, manually fixed, or deleted. For information about artifact support in the runtime environments, see Artifact support in traditional and container runtime environments.


To convert a project target environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Convert all desktop Process Designer artifacts into Web Process Designer artifacts, such as converting business process definitions into processes and service types into service flows. Remove any artifacts that are not supported in Web Process Designer.
  2. Open your project in Process Designer.
  3. Open the Process App Settings editor to the Overview tab.
  4. In the Target Environment drop-down list, select one of the following target environment options:
    • Traditional
    • Traditional or Container
  5. Click the Finish editing icon.
    At the bottom of the editor, there is a Validation errors and warnings icon that is used to open the "Validation errors and warnings" view, which displays all errors in the project as an expandable tree. In the tree, the Unsupported Artifacts category lists artifacts that are not supported in the selected target environment and in the web Process Designer. If your project contains artifacts that are not compatible with the selected target environment, the Target Environment Conversion tab is displayed in the Process App Settings editor.
  6. Select the Target Environment Conversion tab.
  7. In the Toolkit Dependencies section, complete the following steps:
    1. In the list box, select an incompatible toolkit version.
    2. Click the Change the version of the toolkit icon. The Change Dependency dialog box opens and lists any toolkit versions that are compatible with the target environment.
    3. In the Change Dependency dialog box, select a compatible toolkit version. If there is no compatible toolkit version to select, complete the remaining substeps in this step.
    4. Click the Open the toolkit in Designer icon. The toolkit opens in another browser tab and the Toolkit Settings editor is displayed.
    5. Convert the toolkit to the new target environment as described in this topic.
    6. When you have finished converting the toolkit, create a new snapshot of the toolkit.
    7. Return to the browser tab that has the Process App Settings editor open and click the Target Environment Conversion tab (if not already open).
    8. In the Toolkit Dependencies list box, ensure that the appropriate dependent toolkit is selected in the list.
    9. Click the Change the version of the toolkit icon. The Change Dependency dialog box opens.
    10. In the Change Dependency dialog box, select the new toolkit version that you just created. The incompatible toolkit version is removed from the list box because it has been replaced with a new toolkit version that is compatible with the target environment.
  8. In the UI, BPD, or Service Conversion Required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select a UI, BPD, or Service link to open the appropriate conversion tab.
    2. Select one or more of the listed artifacts that require conversion.
    3. Click Convert.
    4. Select the Target Environment Conversion tab. The selected link is removed from the list box because the associated artifacts are now compatible with the target environment.
  9. In the Manual Fixes Required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Hover your cursor over the link for an artifact that requires manual fixes. The hover help provides additional information about the manual fixes that are required.
    2. Select the artifact link to open the artifact in the appropriate editor.
    3. In the "Validation errors and warnings" view, click the Switch to the current artifact view icon to restrict the displayed errors and warnings to only those associated with the opened artifact.
    4. Fix the critical errors.
    5. In the upper-left corner of Process Designer, select Process App Settings to return to the Target Environment Conversion tab. The selected link is removed from the list box because the associated artifact is now compatible with the target environment.
  10. In the Other Conversions Required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select one or more artifacts that require conversion.
    2. Click Convert. The selected artifacts are removed from the list box because they are now compatible with the target environment.
  11. In the Deletions Required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select one or more artifacts that require deletion.
    2. Click Delete. The selected artifacts are removed from the list box.