Outbound ISA Envelope

The Outbound Envelope allows you to determine outbound parameters for the ISA (X12 or EDIA) option. The Outbound ISA Envelope dialog box is displayed.

The following describes the parts of the Outbound ISA Envelope.

Part Description
Authorization Code Qualifier (ISA01) Mandatory. Indicate if an authorization code is present.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 2.
Authorization Code (ISA02) Define the authorization code that your Trading Partner assigned to you.
Note: This is mandatory if the Authorization Code Qualifier is not equal to "00." The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 10.
Security Code Qualifier (ISA03) Mandatory. Indicate if a security code is present.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 2.
Security Code (ISA04) Define the security code that your Trading Partner assigned to you.
Note: This is mandatory if the Authorization Code Qualifier is not equal to "00." The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 10.
Sender ID Qualifier (ISA05) Mandatory. Define your Qualifier as it will appear on the interchange header segment sent to this Trading Partner. Qualifiers are predefined by the EDI standards.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 2.
Sender ID (ISA062) Mandatory. Define your interchange ID. This identifies your sender ID in outgoing messages.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 15.
Receiver ID Qualifier (ISA07) Mandatory. Define your Trading Partner's Qualifier as it will appear on the interchange header. Qualifiers are predefined by the EDI standards.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 2.
Receiver ID (ISA08) Mandatory. Define this Trading Partner's interchange ID. This identifies your partner's sender ID in outgoing messages.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 15.
Control Standards Identifier (ISA11) If the standard used is earlier than 4020, this displays the control standards identifier. If the standard is 4020 or later, this is inactivated.

The Control Standards Identifier is the organization responsible for the EDI standard used in the interchange:

  • T = TDCC
  • U = USA EDI community
  • X = ANSI X12
Note: Mandatory if the standard is earlier than 4020; one character.
Version (ISA12) Mandatory. Enter the version of the EDI standards the system uses to process control envelopes sent to or received from this Trading Partner. Example: 002000.
Note: The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 5.
Control Number (ISA13) Designate the beginning control sequence number for generating outbound interchange envelopes. The system will assign control numbers sequentially, adding 1 to the number you specify here. If you specify a zero, the system will assign "1" as the beginning control number for your first transmission.
Acknowledgement Requested (ISA14) Mandatory; default is 0. Set the acknowledgement request box on an outbound ISA:
  • "0" = No, interchange acknowledgement not requested.
  • "1" = Yes, interchange acknowledgement requested.
Test Indicator (ISA15) Mandatory. Specify whether the interchange is in test or production mode:
  • blank = The interchange is in production mode.
  • "1" = The interchange is in test mode.
Element Separator Mandatory. Define the value that separates the elements in an outbound data segment. Do one of the following:
  • In the first box, type the special character (such as * or ^). The system converts it and enters the hex value for that character in the second box.
  • In the second box, type the hex value. The system converts it and enters the special character for that hex value in the first box. If there is no printable character that corresponds to the hex value, the character box will be blank.
Note: The value must be between HEX "01" and HEX "FF."
Sub-element Separator Mandatory. Define the value that separates the parts of an outbound element. Do one of the following:
  • In the first box, type the special character (such as * or ^). The system converts it and enters the hex value for that character in the second box.
  • In the second box, type the hex value. The system converts it and enters the special character for that hex value in the first box. If there is no printable character that corresponds to the hex value, the character box will be blank.
Note: The value must be between HEX "01" and HEX "FF."
Segment Terminator Mandatory. Define the value that identifies the end of an outbound data segment. Do one of the following:
  • In the first box, type the special character (such as * or ^). The system converts it and enters the hex value for that character in the second box.
  • In the second box, type the hex value. The system converts it and enters the special character for that hex value in the first box. If there is no printable character that corresponds to the hex value, the character box will be blank.
Note: The value must be between HEX "01" and HEX "FF."
Repetition Terminator (ISA11) If the standard is 4020 or later, this displays the repeating element separator. If the standard is earlier than 4020, then this field is inactivated.
  • If the ISA11 is blank, and the version is less than 4020, the element separator is used as the repeating element separator. For the EDIFACT standard, this separator defaults to asterisk (*).
  • Mandatory if the standard is earlier than 4020; one character.