Adding serial range expressions to master task cards and associated job cards

You can associate multiple job cards to a master task card. This means that different aircraft and equipment configurations can be associated with specific job cards that are based on the serial number of the aircraft or equipment. A serial range expression is defined for each job card that is added to the Master Task Card or Job Card tab. If a serial number or range is specified, the job card is effective for that serial number or range for the associated task card, and the sequence for the job card is ignored.

About this task

If a job card specifies a serial effective range, its sequence number is ignored and the job card is treated as the first card in any sequence of job cards. The job card can be applied only to task cards for aircraft or equipment with serial numbers that are included in the serial effective range. If the job cards specify overlapping ranges of serial numbers and more than one job card is applicable to aircraft or equipment, the first matching job card in the Job Card Effectivity and Sequence table is selected.

Job cards that do not specify a serial effective range can be used in any part of a sequence and can be applicable to any aircraft or equipment.


  1. In the Master Task Card application, specify identifying information about the master task card, and it's frequency, active dates, work orders, and actions.
  2. On the Job Cards tab, in the Job Card Effectivity and Sequence table, insert a row for each job card and specify a serial range to which the job card applies.
  3. Optional: Add more job cards and specify sequence values for them.
  4. Save the record.


An 18-month aircraft inspection is defined by a sequence of job cards on a master task card. The first job card in the sequence generates a work order for removing a section of the frame. The work is different for one aircraft because the aircraft includes an extra oven in the area of the frame.

For the removal work, you create one job card for the aircraft that includes the extra oven. On this job card, you specify a serial effective range that includes the serial number of this aircraft. You create another job card for other aircraft that do not include the extra oven and you specify a serial effective range that includes the serial numbers of these aircraft.

You create more job cards for the rest of the inspection work. In these job cards, you do not specify a value for the serial effective range. Each of the remaining job cards can create work orders that apply to all aircraft.