Directly monitoring situations

With direct situation analysis, you navigate directly from a situation event workspace to information regarding the original situation that triggered a situation event.
Problem solved by direct situation analysis:
Before direct situation analysis existed, there were many cases in which only the default situation event workspaces were available when a situation is triggered. To investigate the metrics that triggered a situation, the user traversed the Navigator view to access information on the true situation. Direct situation analysis gives you quick access to this information.
When direct situation analysis is available:
Direct situation analysis is available after a situation becomes true, a situation event is opened, and a situation event workspace is created.

When a situation resolves to true and is associated with a Navigator item, a virtual light or situation event indicator overlays the item and all related items above it in the Navigator. As you hover with the mouse over the indicator, a list is displayed. When you click one of the situations in this list, the situation event workspace opens. This workspace shows values of attributes for the situation that was triggered and expert advice, if any.