Associating Storage Toolkit commands with situations

The Situation Storage Toolkit Extension lets you specify a Storage Toolkit command to be run when a situation becomes true and the attribute group or table named in the situation is enabled for the Situation Storage Toolkit Extension.

Here is an example of associating a new Storage Toolkit command with a situation:

  1. Select a node on the navigation tree to which you want to associate the new situation.
  2. Right-click on the node to display the pop-up menu. Select the Situations menu item to display the Situation Editor dialog.
  3. Click the Create New Situation icon in the upper left corner of the Situation Editor dialog.
  4. Specify a name for the new situation. Click OK to continue. The Select Condition dialog will be displayed.
  5. Select an attribute group in the Attribute Group (left) pane of the Select Condition dialog. The members of the attribute group will be displayed in the Attribute Item (right) pane.
  6. Select one or more attributes from the Attribute Item pane. Click OK to continue. The Select Condition dialog will close, and the Formula tab of the Situation editor dialog will be displayed.
  7. Enter appropriate values in the Formula pane for the situation attributes that you chose.
  8. Select the Distribution tab. Select a Managed System to which the situation will be distributed.
  9. Select the Action tab.
  10. Select the Storage Action radio button in the Action Selection area. A new Storage Action pane will be displayed.
  11. Click the Storage Toolkit button in the Storage Action to display the Associate Storage Toolkit Command dialog box.
  12. Select the Create New radio button.
  13. Select a Storage Toolkit command to associate with the situation.
  14. Select a node where the command will be created. Click OK to proceed to the Storage Toolkit command dialog.
  15. Use the Storage Toolkit dialogs to complete your command specifications. See Storage Toolkit for more information on using the Storage Toolkit dialogs. When complete, click OK on the Storage Toolkit Command dialog to return to the Situation Editor.
  16. Click OK on the Situation Editor dialog to save the situation and close the dialog.
  17. Select the Storage Toolkit node on the navigation tree to navigate to the Storage Toolkit Action Requests Workspace where you can view the status of the Storage Toolkit action request that you just created.