VTS TS7700-series Cluster

The VTS TS7700-series Cluster attributes provide basic information about a cluster in a TS7700 tape virtualization system. The attributes include metrics that are derived from standard sources, such as the virtualization (vNode) or hierarchical data storage management (hNode). These nodes are part of the TS7700 Virtualization Engine distributed-node architecture.

Average Virtual Mount Pend Time: Average amount of time in seconds that an MVS™ system waited for a virtual tape volume to be mounted on this cluster of the selected TS7700 grid.

Cluster ID: Hexadecimal value indicating the cluster ID. Values are 0 to 7.

Cluster Name: Name of this TS7700 Cluster.

Grid Library Sequence Number: Library Sequence Number of the Grid (Composite) library.

Host Channel Activity GB: Total number of gigabytes (read + write), processed by the z/OS® host channels to the virtual tape volumes associated this cluster of the selected TS7700 grid.

Machine Model: Machine model of the node. Initially this field is set to "V06".

Machine Serial Number: Serial number of the node. This field is left justified and padded with blanks. The format is XX-YYYYY where XX is the plant of manufacture and the YYYYY is the sequence number of the node's machine. The dash character (-) is fixed. It should be noted that there can only be one machine per-cluster.

Machine Type: Machine type of the node. Initially this field is set to "3957".

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Node ID: This hexadecimal field indicates the Node ID. Valid values are 0-1.

Physical Drives Available: Number of physical tape drives available on this cluster of the selected TS7700 grid.

Scratch Volumes: Number of empty physical cartridges available for use in this cluster of the selected TS7700 grid.

Timestamp: Time table row was created in CT timestamp format.

VE Code Level: Code level of the TS7700 Virtualization Engine (VE). The VE code level is expressed as Version.Release.Modification.Fix in a decimal form.

Volume Recall Percent: Percentage of virtual mounts that result in a physical mount in this cluster of the selected TS7700 grid.