RMM VRS Details

The RMM VRS Details attributes provide details for a Vital Record Specification (VRS) for RMM (removable media manager).

Count: Specifies how many days or how many cycles of a data set should be retained in the location specified in the Location field.

Delay Days: Specifies the number of days that a data set is retained in its current location before it is sent to a storage location.

Delete Date: Date when the VRS is deleted.

Description: Description string.

Expiration Date Ignore: Whether or not to honor the volume expiration date. (No=0; Yes=1)

Job Name: Specifies a job name mask used to select only those data sets which match the VRS and which were created by certain jobs.

Location: Where vital records managed by this VRS are retained.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Name: Name of the VRS. Depending on the VRS type could be a data set name, GDG base name, VOLSER or VRS name.

Next VRS: Name of the subsequent VRS in the chain.

Next VRS Type: Type of the subsequent VRS in the chain.
  • Undefined=0
  • Next=1
  • And=2

Owner: Owner of the VRS.

Priority: Specifies a value to override the priority set for the location on a LOCDEF command.

Retain Until Expired: VRS will retain data sets until their expiration dates. (No=0; Yes=1)

Retain While Cataloged: Retain to the specified count value while the data set is cataloged. (No=0; Yes=1)

Retention Type: How data sets are retained by this VRS.
  • Cycles=1
  • Days=2
  • RefDays=3
  • Volumes=4
  • ExtraDays=5
  • ByDaysCycle=6

Scratch Immediate: Pending release volume goes to scratch after expiration processing. (No=0; Yes=1)

Timestamp: Time table row was created in CT timestamp format.

Type: The type of this VRS.
  • Name=4
  • Volume=5
  • DSName=6
  • PseudoGDG=7
  • GDG=8