RMM Configuration

The RMM Configuration attributes provide RMM configuration state and option data.

Accounting Source: Accounting is from the STEP or the JOB. (Job=0; Step=1)

Backup In Progress: Indicates whether backup is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

Backup Procedure: Specifies the name of the backup procedure.

BLP: Indicates whether RMM mode is active for Bypass Label Processing (BLP) mount requests. (RMM=0; NoRMM=1)

Cat Sync In Progress: Indicates whether catalog synchronization is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

Catalog Retention Period: Indicates the number of hours assigned as the catalog retention period.

Catalog SysID: Indicates whether the catalog SysID is set. (Set=0; NotSet=1)

CDS ID: Identifies the ID of the control data set.

Common Time: Indicates whether the Common Time feature is enabled. (Disabled=0; Enabled=1)

Date Format: Specifies the date format. (American=1; European=2; ISO=3; Julian=4)

Days Since Last Low on Scratch Processing: Specifies the days since the last low on the processing of scratch space.

Days Since Last Expiration Processing: Specifies the days since last expiration processing event.

Days Since Last Storage Location Proc: Specifies the days since last storage location processing event.

Days Since Last VRS Update: Specifies the days since the last VRS update.

Days Since CDS Extract: Specifies the days since a CDS extract.

Days Since Last Cat Sync: Specifies the days since last catalog synchronization.

Days Since Last Update: Specifies the days since the last update.

Default Retention Period: Specifies the number of days in the default retention period.

Distant Bins Free: Specifies the number of distant bins that are free.

Distant Bins Total: Specifies the total number of distant bins.

DSN Cmd Auth: Indicates whether DSN command authorization is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

EDGUX100 Status: Indicates the enablement status of the EDGUX100 installation exit. (None=0; Enabled=1; Disabled=2)

EDGUX200 Status: Indicates the enablement status of the EDGUX200 installation exit. (None=0; Enabled=1; Disabled=2)

Expiration In Progress: Indicates whether expiration is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

Extended Bin: Indicates the enablement status of extended bin support. (Disabled=0; Enabled=1)

Extract In Progress: Indicates whether an extract operation is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

IPL Date Check: Indicates the enablement status of the IPL date check. (No=0; Yes=1)

Journal Full Value: Specifies the value that defines the journal full condition.

Journal Status: Indicates the enablement status of the journal. (Disabled=0; Enabled=1; Locked=2)

Last Catalog Sync: Date and time of the last catalog synchronization.

Last CDS Extract: Specifies the last extraction performed on the CDS.

Last Expiration Processing: Days since last VRS update.

Last Low on Scratch Processing: Last low on the processing of scratch space.

Last Storage Location Processing: Last storage location processing.

Last Update Date: Specifies the date of the last update.

Last VRS Update: Specifies the last update to the vital record specification.

Library Racks Free: Specifies the number of free Library racks.

Library Racks Total: Specifies the total number of library racks.

Local Bins Free: Specifies the number of free local bins.

Local Bins Total: Specifies the total number of local bins.

Local Tasks: Specifies the number of local tasks.

Location In Progress: Indicates whether the Location In Progress option is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

Managed System: Specifies the name of the managed system.

Master Overwrite: Specifies the Master Overwrite setting that is in effect. (Add=1; Last=2; Match=3; User=4)

Max Hold: Specifies the Max Hold value that is in effect.

Maximum Retention Period: Maximum retention period in days. (Unlimited=-1)

Media Name: Specifies the name assigned to the media.

Move By: Move VRS volumes individual or by multi-volume set. (Volume=0; Set=1)

Operating Mode: Specifies the operating mode. (Manual=1; Record=2; Warning=3; Protect=4)

Owner Cmd Auth: Indicates whether owner command authorization is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

Parmlib Suffix: Specifies the suffix of the parameter library.

Pre ACS: Specifies whether Pre-ACS is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

RACF®: Specifies the RACF option that is in use. (None=1; Predefined=2; Automatic=3; Cleanup=4)

Remote Bins Free: Specifies the number of free remote bins.

Remote Bins Total: Specifies the total number of remote bins.

Restore In Progress: Indicates whether a restore is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

Retain By: Specifies the retention policy for volumes. (Volume=0; Set=1)

Reuse Bin: Specifies the type of reuse allowed for a bin. (ConfirmMove=0; StartMove=1)

RMM System ID: Specifies the RMM system ID.

Scratch Procedure: Specifies the name of the scratch procedure.

SMF Audits Rec Num: Specifies the SMF audits rec num.

SMF Security Rec Num: Specifies the SMF security rec num.

SMSACS: Indicates whether the SMSACS option is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

SMSTape Command: Indicates whether the Command subparameter is enabled for the SMSTape operand. (No=0; Yes=1)

SMSTape Exits: Indicates whether the Exits subparameter is enabled for the SMSTape operand. (No=0; Yes=1)

SMSTape Purge: Indicates whether the Purge parameter is enabled for the SMSTape operand. (No=0; Yes=1; Asis=2)

SMSTape Scratch: Indicates whether the Scratch subparameter is enabled for the SMSTape operand. (No=0; Yes=1)

Stacked Volume Enable Status: Indicates the enablement status for stacked volumes. (None=0; Enabled=1; Disabled=2; Mixed=3)

Subsystem ID : Specifies the RMM subsystem ID.

Subsystem Status: Indicates the status of the RMM subsystem. (Inactive=0; Active=1)

Subsystem Type: Identifies the subsystem type. (Standard=0; Client=1; Server=2)

Tapevol Exit Purge: Specifies the Tapevol Exit Purge setting. (Release=0; Expire=1; None=2)

Timestamp: Provides a timestamp.

UnCatalog: Indicates whether the UnCatalog specifier is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1; Scratch=2)

User Notification: Indicates whether user notification is enabled. (No=0; Yes=1)

Verify In Progress: Indicates that verification is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

VRS Change: Indicates the response to changes to the vital record specification. (Info=0; Verify=1)

VRS Name Precedence: Indicates name precedence for the vital record specification. (Job=1; Dataset=2)

VRS In Progress: Indicates whether vital record specification is in progress. (No=0; Yes=1)

VRSEL: Indicates the type of vital record processing. (Old=0; New=1)

VRSMIN Count: Specifies the minimum number of vital record specifications.

VRSMIN Action: Specifies the action that occurs when the minimum number of vital record specifications is reached. (Fail=0; Info=1; Warn=2)