HSM Function Details

The HSM Function Detail attributes provide a variety of details associated with the HSM function.

Automatic Requests: The number of DFHSM requests of this function type issued automatically. This metric is extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record.

Average Allocate Time: The average allocation time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied on this HSM host.

Average Completion Time: The average completion time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied on this HSM host.

Average Process Time: The average processing time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied on this HSM host.

Average Queue Time: The average queue time (in seconds) for a request to be satisfied on this HSM host.

Failed Requests: Count of failed requests of this function type extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record.

Function Index: Function type, as extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record, to which this row of data applies.

Function Type: The function that was executed. Values are as follows:
  • Primary_to_Level1
  • Level1_to_Level2
  • Primary_to_Level2
  • Level1_to_Primary
  • Level2_to_Primary
  • Delete_Migrated_Data_Set
  • Daily_Backup
  • Spill_Backup
  • Recovery
  • Recycle_Backup_Volume
  • Delete_Data_Set
  • Recycle_L2_Tape_Volumes
  • Delete_Backup_Versions

HSM Host Name: The name of the HSM host. This is the started task name.

HSM_Host_ASID: The ASID of the HSM host.

HSM_Host_ID: The ID of the HSM host.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Megabytes Read: Total megabytes read for this function type, extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record. (_=-2; n/a=-1)

Megabytes Written: Total megabytes written for this function type, extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record. (_=-2; n/a=-1)

Tracks Read: Total DASD tracks read for this function type, extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record.

Tracks Written: Total DASD tracks written for this function type, extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record.

User Requests: Number of requests initiated by user command for this function type as extracted from the DFHSM daily statistics record on this HSM host.