The HSM CRQplex attributes provide detailed status of requests.

Active Requests: The number of active requests on the CRQ.

CRQplex Base Name: The base name of the CRQplex to which the HSM host belongs (or n/a, if not in a CRQplex).

Current® Elements: The number of elements currently in use.

Current Entries: The number of entries currently in use.

Element Percent Full: The percent of elements in the CRQ currently being used, displayed in tenths of a percent.

Entry Percent Full: The percent of entries in the CRQ currently being used, displayed in tenths of a percent.

HSM Hosts Connected: The number of HSM hosts connected to this CRQ.

HSM Hosts Not Connected: The number of HSM hosts in this CRQplex that are not in a connected state.

HSMplex Name: The name of the HSMplex to which the HSM hosts on this z/OS® image belong.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Maximum Elements: The maximum number of elements available.

Maximum Entries: The maximum number of entries available.

Oldest Queue Time: The date and time when the oldest request was submitted.

Oldest Request Age: The number of minutes the oldest request has waited to be completed. A large number of queued requests or a large completion time can be caused by an insufficient number of tasks started of this function type, a high rate of requests, or this function type being held.

Queued Requests: The number of requests on the CRQ waiting for execution.

Total Requests: The number of requests on the CRQ.