Cloud Pak for Integration - Gateway instance

The deployment of a gateway instance in IBM® Cloud Pak for Integration is the deployment of a DataPower® Docker image from IBM Entitled Registry.

The gateway instance for Cloud Pak for Integration is provided through the deployment of a DataPowerService instance that is managed by the DataPower Operator. To deploy a DataPowerService instance, search the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration documentation for gateway deployment.

Attention: The DataPower Gateway is not FIPS compliant and cannot be deployed in a FIPS wall.
The following restrictions apply to the DataPower instance and are covered in the terms of the IBM license agreements.
  • You can deploy only the datapower-cp4i image. Review the Image selection section in Pulling images from the IBM Entitled Registry.
    • The datapower-cp4i images include the Integration Module by default.
    • The datapower-cp4i images are for use with Cloud Pak for Integration version 2020.4 and later.
  • You cannot activate any add-on modules.

For more information, see IBM DataPower Operator documentation.