Switching between different debug views

The Switch View menu from the debugger editor can be used to switch between different debug views during a debug session. Use the Set Default View actions to select a debug view as the default view.

About this task

When you debug in standard mode, four views can be selected in the Switch View menu: Expanded Source view, Source view, Mixed view, and Disassembly view. The Expanded Source view replaces the COPY statements in the COBOL source with the actual contents of the copybook for which they are referencing. The Source view shows the original content of a source file. The Mixed view shows the expanded source along with the disassembly instructions. The Disassembly view shows the disassembly instructions.
Note: Expanded view is only available when you debug COBOL. Source view is available with PL/I, C/C++, HLASM, and COBOL Version 6 Release 2 and later.

When you debug in Debug Tool compatibility mode, you cannot switch views.

Switching to a different debug view

About this task

Use the Switch View actions to switch to a different debug view. The debug view setting applies only to the current file in the current debug session.


  1. Right-click in the debugger editor.
  2. Expand the Switch View menu.
  3. Select one of the Show actions to switch to a different debug view.
    The Show actions include Show Expanded Source, Show Source, Show Mixed, and Show Disassembly.

Selecting a debug view as the default view

About this task

The Set Default View actions set the selected debug view as the default view. It switches the currently debugged file in the current debug session to the selected view. Subsequent debug sessions will use the selected view as the default view. If the default view is not available for a language or application, the next view is selected.


  1. Right-click in the debugger editor.
  2. Select Switch View > Set Default View.
  3. Select one of the debug views as the default view.
    The debug views include Expanded Source, Source, Mixed, and Disassembly.