supportconfig - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server troubleshooting
The supportconfig script gathers system troubleshooting
information on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server systems. It captures the current
system environment and generates a tar-archive.
The script file collects complementary information to the script. The supportconfig script is part of the supportutils package.
Running the script requires root authority.Syntax
See the supportconfig man page for more details.
To run supportconfig, issue:root@system:~ # supportconfig
The script produces a tar ball. The location of the tar ball is given in the script output:=============================================================================
Support Utilities - Supportconfig
Script Version: <version>
Script Date: <date>
Gathering system information
Data Directory: /var/log/scc_<linux_sys>_221208_1206
Basic Server Health Check... Done
System Modules... Done
Memory Details... Done
Disk I/O... Done
B-tree File System... Skipped
Creating Tar Ball
==[ DONE ]===================================================================
Log file tar ball: /var/log/scc_<linux_sys>_221208_1206.tbz
Log file size: 2.6M
Log file md5sum: d57010927e94c54463084c3b94dfccb5-f