Platform UI

You can use the Platform UI to manage users and customize your console home page.

What's new

The Platform UI versions are listed based on the installer release that coincided with the Platform UI operator version release, from the newest to the oldest release.

Platform UI version 1.8.x

Platform UI version 1.6.x

Platform UI version 1.4.x

Platform UI Version 1.1.x

The Platform UI provides the following updates for user management and platform customizations:

Platform UI version 1.0.2

The Platform UI provides new features within the console for managing users and managing user profile settings.

The service is now available as a part of IBM Cloud Pak foundational services. This service is available when you install the ibm-zen-operator. This operator is available with IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Installer version 3.7.x

How to check which service version you are using

You can check the installer version in the configmap by running the following command:

oc -n kube-public get ConfigMap ibmcloud-cluster-info -o jsonpath=’{.data.version}’

You can check the Common service operator full version and deployed namespace by running the following command:

oc get csv --all-namespaces | grep common-service-
common-service        IBM Cloud Platform Common Services     3.6.3                   ibm-common-service-operator.v3.5.6             Succeeded
ibm-common-services  IBM Cloud Platform Common Services     3.6.3                   ibm-common-service-operator.v3.5.6             Succeeded